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I was completely blown away by the response that I received after my post last week on starting your own design business. I knew that there were many of you who were interested in getting started, but I had no IDEA that I’d receive the feedback that I did. I had comments, Facebook messages and emails […]

Family, Random Things, Uncategorized, Work at Home Mom

August 20, 2012

Essential Steps Toward Becoming a Business Owner

One of the most frequently received emails that comes through my inbox is, “How do I start a Design Business?“. In the last month alone I’ve gotten fourteen letters from different people regarding starting a business. I replied to one or two of them individually, but as the emails just kept coming, I decided that a […]

Business, Family, Random Things, Uncategorized, Work at Home Mom

August 14, 2012

So, You Want to Start a Design Business?

How to Start a Design Business

The last two weeks have been…difficult. To say the least. Aside from the constant nagging backache, being completely exhausted, the round ligament pain, a few work frustrations, and my sudden need to clean every surface in sight (despite aforementioned exhaustion)…I’m convinced it’s a full moon because Noah has been difficult. Yes. This “sweet, innocent” little person […]

Family, Motherhood

August 7, 2012

Within an Inch of my Sanity

I mentioned the other day that the most frequent question we (well,more me I think) were getting from people was whether or not we are disappointed that we are having another boy. People who barely know us have given looks of what seems like sympathy when we say we are having another boy. People have […]

Family, Lifestyle, Motherhood, Random Things

July 29, 2012


I had so many of you ask me how we decided on baby names after I revealed our sweet boys name and Gender on InstaGram. The truth is, the husband and I have had this little guys’ name picked out since his brother was born. We’ve always had two boy names and one girl name picked […]

Family, Motherhood, Random Things

July 26, 2012

What’s in a Name?

I’ve always been one of those people who takes extra precaution when talking to people. I don’t assume someone is pregnant just by the way they look. I don’t generally ask people when they are planning to have kids and/or add to their family. After struggling for a year trying to get pregnant with Jonah and […]

Family, Lifestyle, Motherhood, Random Things

July 23, 2012

Things You Don’t Say to a Pregnant Woman

I’m going to be honest…I am not the most organized person in the world. (Ssshh. If you listen really carefully you can probably hear my husband my laughing…as if he didn’t already know that I wasn’t organized.) Between managing this blog; running a somewhat successful design business full of deadlines; keeping track of birthday parties, playdates, […]

Family, Random Things, Uncategorized, Work at Home Mom

July 17, 2012

How I Organized my Life, Blog & Business

We’ve reached the halfway point in this pregnancy. It’s hard to believe that in a mere 20 weeks (give or take a week or two depending on when this baby makes his or her debut) we’ll be meeting and welcoming our second child. Our second child. When did I even get old enough to have a […]

Family, Motherhood, Random Things

July 10, 2012

Fears & Worries of Second Time Parenting

I feel like I’m a bit of a mommy failure these days when it comes to talking about my favorite biggest boy. Adjusting to knowing that there is one baby in my tummy and one big baby running around has been tough on me. Part of me wonders (still) how I could ever love another […]

Family, Motherhood

June 30, 2012

Let’s talk about Noah

It’s no secret that the most common question asked to soon-to-be mom’s is: Are you guys hoping for a girl or a boy? Since we already have a little boy, I typically get asked if we’re hoping it’s a girl. Or either people assume that we would only want a girl. I’ll be honest… I won’t […]

Family, Lifestyle, Motherhood, Random Things

June 11, 2012

Thoughts on the Baby’s Gender

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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