I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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  1. […] | Leave a Comment I ‘ve reached the point in my pregnancy where we are past the annoying “Oh, another boy…you must disappointed” and the “Wow! You still have xx numbers of weeks to go?” […]

  2. Samantha says:

    Ok so this may not happen to you, buy boy (no pun intended) some things jut come out of my mouth when I meet other mommies…like I hate awkward silence and asking, “do you want more kids? Do you want a girl? Was that one planned?” oh yes!! Now is or shall I say when someone asks me I’m all “who do they…” 🙂
    I just met a pregnant mama today and the amount of personal info shared in a 30 minute convo..how many kids we want, how we has to have lots of sex so we wouldn’t be induced, how she secretly wants a boy and not another girl etc.

    I think sometimes when someone sees a pregnant mama they just ask obvious, albeit personal question bc they are actually trying to be nice. they want to mention the baby and since it’s in the womb there’s only so much to say, so they start probing deeper trying to be friendly!

    • Courtney says:

      I agree. I think sometimes the questions are genuine concern and excitement for the mama to be. 🙂 And I can usually tell which people are concerned and want to get excited about our baby and which ones are just being rude. LOL 🙂

  3. Kelly L says:

    Courtney – such a beautiful post, and a great read for other boy mamas!

  4. Love my boys! And, they are always fun to photograph. 🙂

  5. Speaking of odd things people say… I linked to your “things not to say…” post on my blog today! I don’t know what people are thinking sometimes. However, I do know of some who have been less than thrilled over their gender reveal. They sulked their entire pregnancy and then fell in love with their baby immediately at birth. I think we need to be simply grateful for each gift – no matter what’s on the wish list. Folks can be bold!!

    • Courtney says:

      I know some people who have been like that, too. It’s so sad and it truthfully breaks my heart to read about mama’s to be who aren’t excited about having a baby just because they didn’t get the gender they “wanted.” I have an acquaintance who was devastated that she wasn’t having a girl…she griped and complained and whined the whole pregnancy. Ugh.

  6. Meagan says:

    Raising boys is an awesome responsibility – the men of our future! You’re going to love that baby boy more than you can imagine!

  7. Sarah says:

    Love this!! Couldn’t have said it better myself!

  8. Thyme says:

    I felt similarly when we found out that baby #2 was another sweet girl. I get told how awful the teen years are going to be with two daughters, how much they will bicker, etc. When baby #3 was a boy EVERYONE (strangers included) say, “You FINALLY got that boy! I bet your husband is so relieved!” And others asking if we are done, simply because we have a boy. When I didn’t seem “excited enough” by having a boy (I was happy, truly, just annoyed at everyone else) I was asked, “You didn’t SERIOUSLY WANT another girl?!” Um, no, I wanted a baby, THANK YOU. People are strange.

    • Courtney says:

      Agreed. We wanted a BABY. A healthy child; be it a boy or a girl. Sure, I’d love to have boys and girls, but if we never have another? It’s not going to upset me a bit.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.