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What’s in a Name?

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  1. Reah Padla says:

    hubby’s name is also joshua and baby’s name is also noah. 🙂

  2. Jamie says:

    I love hearing about how other people name their children. We had it fairly easy the first time around…my husband and I sat with the name book for several evenings, and after alot of names, the only one we could agree on was Noah…I love that name, and he is definitly a Noah! The second pregnancy (which we were soo fortunate to have, due to fertility problems) turned out to be twins…what a blessing! I was lucky enough to have a textbook pregnancy…the toughest part of the entire pregnancy was choosing names for the babies! We found out we were having boy/girl twins, so that made it even harder…I wanted names that sounded nice together, but also sounded nice with Noah’s name. We had decided on names, but then I changed my mind…story for another day…maybe it was pregnancy hormones…who knows! Anyway, had to go back to the drawing board. The only names that we could agree on were Jonah and Lilah. We were going to spell her name Lila, but I thought it would be neat if they all ended in -ah. I was really hoping for a biblical name for her, but the only one that I really liked was Hannah, and that is the name of my hubby’s ex. Needless to say, that was crossed off the list. So, at the end of the day, we have Noah, Lilah and Jonah. For middle names, we used family names – Charles (hubby’s grandfather’s name), Rose (my great aunt’s name), and Carter (family name) respectively. I am happy with the names, and the older (the babies) get, the more they seem like their names. 🙂

  3. Alison says:

    All beautiful names, Courtney. Also love that they’re so meaningful.

    We chose our firstborn son’s name from a baby book. I was about 8 or 9 weeks pregnant, had no idea if we were having a boy or girl, but I knew, deep in my heart that it was a boy. We were in a bookstore and just for kicks, picked up a random baby book name, flipped it open and landed in the Z section. And saw the name and said, that one. We’re going with that one, and it was perfect.

    Before I was pregnant with #2, we were watching a video my mother-in-law filmed of our son at an indoor gym, and in the background, heard a lady call out a name (she was calling her son I think), and my husband and I both thought, that’s a nice name and filed it away. When we found out we were having a boy, we decided to go with that.

    All perfectly random, but perfect. 🙂

    • Courtney says:

      I think those little stories are great! That’s how we came to use Noah. We saw a lady in the mall (when we were originally planning to name him Sawyer) and she was talking to her little boy. His name was Noah. Josh and I looked at each other then and knew that Sawyer wasn’t our sons name…Noah was.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.