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Things You Don’t Say to a Pregnant Woman

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  1. Jessica says:

    I usually got the comment “are you going to breast feed” if I said no I got a lecture. If I said yes they wanted to know things like “will you in public”. I got so mad a told one what I do with my boobs is none of their business. I had lots of dumb ones, but that’s the joys of working customer service.

  2. […] where we are past the annoying “Oh, another boy…you must disappointed” and the “Wow! You still have xx numbers of weeks to go?” […]

  3. Whatever you do, DON’T flog me with this comment. LOL

    I think some…SOME pregnant women get a little too on their high horse and act like the world should suddenly cater to them. Uhh, no. Just no. I will be respectful, watch what I say (like I do with everyone else for the most part), and not be so rude as to invade personal space but I will not kiss your heiney and cater to you just because you’re pregnant.

    You? You make valid points and have a good head on your shoulders. I love your humility and grace. And I can see exactly why you’d feel offended at some ignoramus comments. Why people think you should be disappointed over having two boys instead of one of each gender is beyond me. Good mothers are happy and love their children regardless of gender. As long as the child(ren) are happy and healthy that’s all that matters.

    • Courtney says:

      Haha! You crack me up. But seriously? I know exactly what you mean. I know some people who think that the world stops spinning because THEY are pregnant. Being pregnant is hard and it’s exhausting, but we chose this. *I* chose this and wanted this, so I try to keep the complaining to a minimum. 🙂

  4. […] reading Courtney’s post last week, on Things You Don’t Say To A Pregnant Woman, I was reminded of how offensive people can come across sometimes. And how speaking before thinking […]

  5. Cameon says:

    My mom had someone ask her if my sister and I had the same dad and now that we (I’m 20 and my sister is 18) have a soon to be a 3 year old brother she gets asked all the time if we all have the same Daddy. People have some nerve!

    • Courtney says:

      Oh no!! That’s terrible!! You know, my husband and I didn’t date for very long before we decided to get married (when you know, you know right?) and I was pregnant pretty quick and someone DID ask him if he actually thought the baby was his or if I was just trying to “trick” him into marrying me and taking care of the baby. I was DISGUSTED and so angry…

  6. Brothers says:

    […] Brothers July 29, 2012 By Courtney | Leave a Comment I mentioned the other day that the most frequent question we (well,more me I think) were getting from people was whether or not we are disappointed that we are having another boy. […]

  7. Shell says:

    The things people say to pregnant women are totally crazy. My sil is pregnant with her first and I try to not say any of those things that annoyed me so much when I was pregnant!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.