Life isn't a highlight reel and not every part of our stories are beautiful and instagram worthy. The Journey Unfiltered is my story through life after divorce raising three children all with and by God's abounding grace.
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Well, hello! Contrary to popular belief I am still alive and kicking. (Actually, the baby is doing most of the kicking these days, but you know what I mean.) I’ve had a hard time getting going again since we returned from our two week mini-vacay in Anchorage. I never thought that just hopping on a plane, […]
Don’t you guys love those moments in life where you get all philosophical and life just starts throwing these deep thoughts your way? Maybe it’s the island fever lifting, but that’s how I’ve felt the last several days. Having time to sit in silence while Noah naps and Josh is in class have led me […]
How far along: 12 weeks 2 days! Bye, bye first Trimester (depending on which date you go by…in which case I’m going by the date of my LMP)! How big is the baby: The most dramatic development this week: reflexes. Your baby’s fingers will soon begin to open and close, his toes will curl, his […]
I’m already amazed at how much I’ve grown to love this tiny little baby growing inside me. I know that she (or he…I’m just using the general she terminology) is no bigger than an olive right now and wouldn’t even fit fully in the palm of my hand, but knowing that this little person is […]
Ever since the husband and I started trying for baby number two, I’ve asked myself what the bond between myself and a second child might be like. I know that I could (and would) love another child. There is no doubt in my mind about that. Boy or girl, whichever child comes into our family […]
I feel like everything on my blog lately is the same: confessions about my lack of time to do much of anything… expressions of how utterly exhausted I am most days… excitement for all of the things that I want to do… and happiness over the design waiting list that continues to grow. Let me emphasize […]
I have a million things that I could talk about today. I could talk about the tears I shed when someone I consider to be a dear friend, though we’ve never met in person, messaged me on Twitter to let me know that she was expecting. She wanted to tell me, personally, before announcing it […]
I’m a dreamer by nature. I was born that way, I guess. Even when I was little, I was constantly envisioning myself living somewhere else…somewhere far away. Exploring the world, experiencing life and all that it had to offer. Traveling from place to place. Learning new languages, eating exotic foods, exposing myself to culture and […]
You see the world in black and white. Good and bad. Hot and Cold. Bed time and Play time. Mommy and Daddy. There’s no complications. No middle ground. It’s either or. I admire your innocence. Your sense of certainty about the life you live. There’s no confusion. No doubt. No hesitation. Just simplicity. A little […]
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