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Back home in Alabama, right in the middle of downtown hidden off behind a few buildings near our city Civic Center, there stands a rickety old set of stairs. It’s like something out of an 80’s horror movie if you want me to be perfectly honest. It’s all rusted up and creaks and clangs when […]

Featured, Homemaking, Motherhood

October 18, 2020

Guard Their Spiritual Journey

Guarding our family's Spiritual Journey | Courtney Kirkland

Since the beginning of COVID-19, I have been absolutely unhinged by how clearly and how loudly God will speak when we are actually listening to Him and listening for Him. It’s almost as if COVID-19 helped to strip away everything that was clouding our faith and cluttering our lives. Although the things that it took […]

Featured, Homemaking, Motherhood

October 9, 2020

Blessed are the Gatekeepers

Blessed are the Gatekeepers | Courtney Kirkland

From the time that I was a child, I have always wanted nothing more than to change the world. Despite knowing its significance and its impact on my children, most days motherhood doesn’t fulfill me. That’s a truth that I have written about before and COVID-19 brought all of those feelings to the surface again. […]

Featured, Motherhood

September 29, 2020

Change the World

Last night, millions of people all around the country watched what is deemed one of the biggest sporting events of the year: The Super Bowl. In all honesty, not as many people care about the teams playing as they do the commercials and the coveted entertainment slot known as the half time show. You’re only […]

Dear Daughter, Motherhood

February 3, 2020

Dear Daughter…You’re Better Than That

Dear Daughter: You're Better than that

Helping Your Children Understand your Anxiety by Courtney Kirkland

Family, Mental Health, Motherhood

October 2, 2019

No, Mommy isn’t always okay…

Helping Your Children Understand your Anxiety by Courtney Kirkland

Growing up whenever anyone asked me what I wanted to be, there were always three things I would say: a wife, a mama and an writer. As I got older, I realized that there was a difference between being a “writer” and being an actual published “author” who makes money from their writing. I have […]

Family, Featured, Motherhood

September 24, 2019

Motherhood Isn’t Enough

When Motherhood Isn't Enough by Courtney Kirkland

My husband and I haven’t always been tens when it comes to parenting our children. We, like most people, have days where we are on point with our parenting skills. We do things well; we work together (as mom and dad) well, our kids get along and everyone is happy. We hit the mark on […]

faith, Family, fervent study, Motherhood, Prayer

February 19, 2018

Raising Arrows

If I am being really, really honest…I never expected to find myself back in the throes of the newborn phase at 30 years old. When we had our youngest son in 2012, I really thought that was it. We’d have two kids-two brothers at that-and our family would be complete. We wouldn’t be outnumbered and […]

Family, Motherhood

November 30, 2017

What your Newborn Mama Friends Want you to know (but don’t think they can tell you…)

I watch you from across the waiting room. You smiled politely at me when you walked in just like I did you. You arms are abundantly full as you carry not only your personal bag, but also a diaper bag for your infant and a second, much larger bag, for your special needs son. I […]

Dear Mom Letters, Family

May 4, 2016

Dear Special Needs Mom

I know this post has been a long time coming. I think that a big, BIG part of me was is scared to really talk about this. Because even the people in my life that I thought I could trust to be supportive and encouraging during this have let me down and begun the “process” of […]

Family, Motherhood

December 31, 2015

Diagnoses Day

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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