I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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Diagnoses Day

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  1. […] I was…who I am. I was letting outside factors get a hold of my internal mentality. Throw in learning that Noah has some special needs and a ransacking case of anxiety and you’ve got enough to bring almost any one to their […]

  2. Ann Sherman says:

    Your story echoes my own struggles early with my son. There were precious few resources like groups, but I am not sure I would have embraced them even if there had been. My son was diagnosed with ADHD and learning disabilities also. Controlling his behavior was literally impossible for both him and Me. Lots of judgement from family and strangers. His father was completely lost, and found it hard to connect with him. I was frustrated beyond words. I cried many days AND nights. But once in a while, I saw flashes of extreme kindness. In my son. I held on to those flashes for Hope. I had intense fears for his future. When we put him in “special Ed” classes, he endured horrible teasing by his mainstream classmates. He hated feeling “tired” when he took Ritalin. I realized the manic hyperactivity was his “normal”, so slowing down to focus felt “bad”. But he started to realize it helped him learn. I stumbled on the book “Hunter in a Farmer’s World”, and I started to understand him better. It was my lifeline. I will NEVER forget how much that book meant to me. Fast forward to present day. My son is a Warrant Officer in the Marines. He is married to a wonderful girl and he has close ties to his church. His extreme kindness is still there, and now is his dominant quality. The fire he walked through made him a wonderful man. I am with you, Courtney. I have made your journey. It won’t be fun. It will feel downright horrible sometimes. But you are a good mother, and you are seeking out how to help him. You will come through this. So will he. It is hard to see the outcome, but focus on the tasks today. They will produce fruit. I promise you. Love you.

  3. Becky says:

    Oh, mama! I get it. Absolutely get it. My son is now 16, and we’ve been dealing with this since he was 5. I had no idea how hard I’d have to fight, esp. with schools, to get accommodations put in place. I had no idea that they wouldn’t simply do what needed to be done, without asking us to jump through multiple hoops. I learned a lot in getting him help. I learned that even the people “trained” to help him won’t do it without prompting and constant oversight. It’s sad and infuriating that our kids have to suffer because of red tape and paperwork. :'(

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.