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There is so much on my heart that I want to share. Problem is, I don’t know exactly where to begin. First let me say that Josh and I felt (with abundance) the prayers that were directed our way during our time in Anchorage. I have been steady in my faith for a long, long time. […]

faith, Lifestyle

March 19, 2014

When People Pray

First I want to say thank you to all of you who have commented, messaged me, emailed me or just offered up a prayer for me. As of right now we are still waiting on THE final test result as far as whether or not this diagnoses is multiple sclerosis. They did an EEG, several […]

faith, Lifestyle

March 5, 2014

More than “Good Enough”

A little over a week ago I put out a plea on Facebook. A plea for prayer. Many of you who follow me on my personal Facebook page know that for the last eight months or so I’ve been battling long term bouts of vertigo and extreme dizziness and nausea. Dizziness to a point of […]

faith, Lifestyle

February 18, 2014

That Post I’ve Been Promising…

I’ve started to notice that my biggest baby, really isn’t a baby anymore. He doesn’t look like a baby. He doesn’t talk like a baby. He doesn’t play like a baby. We’ve bypassed and moved beyond the terms of “toddler” and “preschooler.” Noah’s just a kid. A full-fledged little boy with barrels of energy and […]

Family, Lifestyle, Motherhood, Random Things

July 24, 2013

Big Kid Problems

What’s it been? Almost two months since I wrote a post? Time goes quick, doesn’t it? Whole lotta things happened in two months. Jonah turned 6 months old. Then 7 months a few days ago. We went on vacation to Alabama. Our first trip off of this island in 2.5 years. Noah finished his first […]

Lifestyle, Random Things

July 1, 2013

So…I’m still here…

I love being a business owner. I love that I have the flexibility to create my own hours, work around my husband’s schedule, spend time with my kids during the day, and take on the kind of work that makes me happy. I can photograph what I want. I can work with the brands that […]

Family, Lifestyle, Work at Home Mom

May 1, 2013

Finding Validation

I’ve never been a stick-thin model type person. I think the smallest I ever was was a size three. And that was waaaaay back in Junior High when I was finally able to fit my ridiculously short legs and oversized rear into a pair of jeans from the Junior’s Department. Even those didn’t last long. […]

Lifestyle, Random Things

April 18, 2013

The Skinny on Getting Skinny

This post is hard for me to write. But, I’m really struggling right now with parenting two boys. Not in a “I’m still sleep deprived” and “Having a baby is so hard” kind of way. But in a trying to show both of my boys how much I love them kind of way. Jonah is […]

Family, Lifestyle, Motherhood

February 18, 2013

To Divide and Conquer

I have a confession to make… living in Alaska has been one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. The summers here are beautiful and shiny and bright and full of sunshine and warm air (sometimes). Summer is full of camping and hiking and taking walks and trips to the park. It’s full of […]

Lifestyle, Random Things, Uncategorized

February 11, 2013

50 Shades of (Alaskan) Grey

…the last time that I laid down to go to bed and managed to get the “necessary” uninterrupted eight hours of sleep. …the last time I went to the bathroom on my own with no one peeking in on me or standing outside the door asking if I was done. Or asking whether I was […]

Family, Lifestyle, Motherhood

February 8, 2013

I Can’t Remember…

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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