I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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When People Pray

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  1. […] of you remember me writing about a whole lot of medical issues that I was having when we lived in Kodiak, Alaska. That instance in which God […]

  2. Courtney
    Every now and then I find your blog again (I finally bookmarked it) and enjoy reading it. Your daily life is the daily life of many people and just like a theater plot I cheer for the hero to win. I will be back for more stories. May God always protect you and be with you. Please keep writing.

  3. Amazing news. I am an USAF wife living in Alaska and our squadron provides meals for the Fisher House. So glad you had a good experience!

  4. Lucy says:

    The power of prayer is truly an amazing thing! Praise God for His healing hand!

  5. Kir says:

    My eyes teared up in gratefulness.
    A negative.
    Prayers answered.

    I feel the weight of that kind of good news and I know that when we lifted you in prayer it worked.

    SO happy you are okay my friend. So very happy.

  6. Virginia Mathis says:

    I am so happy to here this. I have been thinking of you a lot lately. Prayers answered for you and the family. Continue prayers for your health and busy life especially in the months to come.

  7. Ann Peeples says:

    Praise The Lord our prayers are answered again. He is so great. He can heal anything all we have to do is ask. So I mixed up on the town. But you will love NC. Hugs each other for us.

  8. Laura says:

    I love love LOVE posts like this! Praise God!

  9. molly says:

    Oh Courtney! It is wonderful to hear this news! God is so good!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.