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50 Shades of (Alaskan) Grey

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  1. Susi says:

    It’s such an interesting perspective and glimpse into a live I can’t even really imagine having lived in South Florida for almost 18 years. I miss the sun when it’s not out and it’s usually only a day or two at a time. I wish you all the best for this last year and hope that when you are done you’ll find a sunnier and warmer climate. Sending you lots and lots and lots of sunshine!!!

  2. Elaine A. says:

    Good for you for being thankful for the experience. I’m not sure I could be as much! But those of us in the South will welcome you back with open arms!! 🙂

  3. Crissy Herron says:

    I lived in Alaska for about 5 years, so I know exactly what you’re talking about. I also moved there because of my husband (now ex-husband), and had a difficult time with being so far from my family. I’ve been back in Michigan for 4 years now. I am glad I had the experience, because it definitely taught me a lot, and there are actually some things that I miss. (But not that many things. Haha)

    For me, the hardest months were November & December. I really looked forward to February – you’re in the home stretch. Within a couple weeks it’s going to be light out till almost 7pm! And in April it’s going to be light out till way after 10pm!

    All you have to do is get through the next month and a half, and it will be so light out! The moose will be having babies, and those little moose are so cute. The tourists are going to start trickling in. You’re going to see your first fireweed of the season. I love April – August in Alaska!

    I know you’re in Kodiak, but if you ever get up to Soldotna, go to Kaladi Bros Coffee and to Jersey Subs. Those are two of the things I miss. (A lot.)

  4. Connie says:

    Much love & hugs to you my dear. Praying you find some peace & clarity in this fog. You are beautiful & brilliant and I know this too shall pass for you 🙂

  5. Amy Willa says:

    Oh, Courtney! <3 hugs. You are one of the most upbeat, successful, beautiful people I "know" (because we actually haven't met in person. . . yet! I look forward to meeting you this summer when we move to Kodiak! (or will you be in the lower 48 when we arrive in July?)

    Everyone has that feeling with the grey days. The snow is melting after this New England blizzard (although I think we're supposed to get MORE on Thurs), and I'm looking forward to SPRING as well! Let Him cover you in His grace, and take your burdens. You are strong and wonderful!

  6. Yes, hugs Courtney. When I think of Alaska at first I think of the beauty that you mention, but the day after day of gray….who would that not affect? I’m not much of a winter girl myself so I completely understand the NEED for warmth and sunshine–if only for a very short time, every so often. There is light at the end of the tunnel. I think it’s more than awesome that you can get yourself to look at the goodness that awaits and to have things to look forward to. xoxo. Your online community is here for you certainly.

  7. Alison says:

    Hugs, my friend. I can’t even imagine how hard it must be, I live in tropical weather where I complain about the heat, how muggy it is, and those damn mosquitoes. Now, I need to appreciate what we’ve got going here.

    The good thing about winter? It passes. Spring is just round the corner. Hang on in there. Let the glow of your computer know that you have people out there, rooting for you. xo

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.