Life isn't a highlight reel and not every part of our stories are beautiful and instagram worthy. The Journey Unfiltered is my story through life after divorce raising three children all with and by God's abounding grace.
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It’s no secret around here that I absolutely hated high school. I spent most of my time wishing that I could change myself…my circumstances…my life. Looking back now at both my high school career and my life as a “tween” (isn’t that the current term for that almost a teenager phase?) I wish I could go […]
…More than once this past week, I reached a point of frustration beyond all others and told my son to, “just leave me alone.” …And then I watched Courageous with my husband and wished I could take the words back. If anything like that ever happened to my son, I don’t know what I would do […]
Have I mentioned how much I love Feature Friday every week? It’s the perfect way to end out a week…introducing my readers to some of my favorite bloggers; meeting new bloggers coming over to visit from other sites; being able to take the day “off” from blogging (if you can call it that) because I have […]
I have to start by saying that this is the last set of pictures I’ll be taking…with my Canon Rebel. Because I ordered my new Canon 7D on Tuesday and it will be here before next Wednesday’s Project 52 shoot! I. am. ecstatic. I’ve been itching to upgrade for months and months and months, especially since I […]
I have been one busy lady since right before Christmas. I took the week off during the holidays (from designing…not from answering email or I’d never get caught back up) and have been hard at work since. Since December 15, I have completed and launched TEN SITES, including redoing my own. Instead of posting each […]
It’s been a few weeks since I’ve done Feature Friday. With the holidays, New Year, and all of the work I’ve been doing, it’s been hard to keep up with and find new bloggers to spotlight. But, I’ve rid myself of that problem and have several PHENOMENAL bloggers lined up for the next few weeks! I’m […]
I don’t know how many of you out there follow football, but Monday night was a big night for us Crimson Tide fans. Our beloved team beat LSU 21-0 in the BCS National Championship Game, bringing home National Title #14 for us Bamers. It was a great night to be a SEC Football fan. So, […]
Contrary to popular belief, I have my moments where I’m not always chipper, happy and positive (I know; hard to believe…). My grandma told me growing up that the longer I lived the more I’d realize that- life isn’t fair and people aren’t nice, but that as I got older I’d learn not to care. (Okay, […]
Is anyone other than me having a hard time getting into the swing of things now that Christmas and the holidays are over? What is it about that first week back that just seems to drag and drag and drag? I can’t seem to find a whole lot of motivation; which sounds funny considering how […]
Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-5:00 PM CST