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I don’t know if you have noticed, but the world is in a major upheaval right now. Businesses have closed. Travel plans…cancelled, if not banned by the government. Schools are shutdown, some for the remainder of the school year. Cities are on lockdown. People are fighting over toilet paper. Surgeries? Cancelled. Life is, well, unsteady […]

faith, Featured

March 27, 2020

Shaky Unshakeable

*Alternately titled Five Books worth Reading During the COVID-19 pandemic.* I have been an avid reader for as long as I can remember. I devoured the entire American Girl book collection back before there were even dolls to go with the stories. Goosebumps, Saddle Club, and Babysitters Club books were my forte and I read […]

Random Things

March 13, 2020

Friday Five: Books that Changed my Life

Books To Read During the COVID-19 Pandemic

You’re not the friend I thought you were.  Sometimes, I feel naive and foolish for believing that friendships could span the distance. 3,000+ miles is a long way. I thought that maybe this time it would be different. We raised babies together. We cried together. We laughed (a lot) together. Your family was my family […]

Friendship, Military Life

March 9, 2020

For a Season

Broken Friendships

Last night, millions of people all around the country watched what is deemed one of the biggest sporting events of the year: The Super Bowl. In all honesty, not as many people care about the teams playing as they do the commercials and the coveted entertainment slot known as the half time show. You’re only […]

Dear Daughter, Motherhood

February 3, 2020

Dear Daughter…You’re Better Than That

Dear Daughter: You're Better than that

Today marks the end of a decade. A DECADE, guys. 10 years. It seems crazy to say that “10 years ago” is 2010 and not 1990. I’ve learned that time really does speed up as we get older. I used to think my parents were kidding when they say that time only goes faster the […]


January 1, 2020

A Letter to Me at the Turn of a Decade

If you have followed me for any amount of time, you know that I love all things office supplies. This year, I partnered with some of the best Planner providers currently on the market to help you choose the best planner for yourself for the upcoming year! While these planners are geared and marketed toward […]


November 24, 2019

Eight Planners Perfect for Christian Women

8 Planners for Christian Women

I have been a military wife for almost 12 years. In that 12 years, our family has lived in five states, seven different houses, been across the United States states five times, logged thousands of miles on the road and in the air, missed family funerals, missed weddings, missed birthday’s, packed, unpacked and repacked more […]

Friendship, Military Life

November 5, 2019

Treading in Shallow Waters

I nearly jumped out of my seat with excitement when I saw the new ESV Jesus Bible on Shelley Giglio’s instagram page. I first saw The Jesus Bible when it released in January 2017. I have been a fan of Louie Giglio and his preaching since my friend Laura introduced me to his sermons in […]

Bibles, Reviews

October 30, 2019

The ESV Jesus Bible

ESV Jesus Bible from Passion City

If you have followed me for a while, you know that I have a handful of love languages: coffee, words of encouragement, Bibles and beautiful paper products. Every once in a while, I come across a product or two (or ten!) that merges some of those things together. Over the course of the next few […]

Planners, Reviews

October 18, 2019

Hope Fuel

Helping Your Children Understand your Anxiety by Courtney Kirkland

Family, Mental Health, Motherhood

October 2, 2019

No, Mommy isn’t always okay…

Helping Your Children Understand your Anxiety by Courtney Kirkland

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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