Life isn't a highlight reel and not every part of our stories are beautiful and instagram worthy. The Journey Unfiltered is my story through life after divorce raising three children all with and by God's abounding grace.
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When you’re a child, the world just seems…easy. Play time. Nap time. Bedtime. Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner. Good behavior. Bad Behavior. Noah’s going on four and a half years old. His world is slowly starting to become a bit more complex. He’s learning that bad choices bring about consequences. And consequences aren’t always fun. Just like […]
There is a reason that I waited so long to write this post. For starters, I never even had intentions of breastfeeding baby boy #2. We had such a hard time with Noah…he wouldn’t latch, my milk supply was low, and we had ZERO support in that department where we were in Florida. I just […]
Last year was the first year that I took on the One Word Challenge. I didn’t link up with anyone, didn’t join some big group of people who were sharing and supporting and encouraging each other to live out said word or anything like that. I just picked a word. Something that represented everything that I […]
Can you believe we’re already one month into this whole “two kids” thing? I’m blown away by the fact that Jonah has been here for a month already. It seems like just yesterday we were debating whether or not we were going to wait him out and let him come on his own or go […]
Did you guys think that I’d bailed on you completely and left the world of blogging behind? Not hardly. I’ve just been sucked into the realm of diapers, feedings and juggling two kids while attempting to maintain some sense of order around our house and sanity within my own head. Last week was my first […]
If you missed Part One of Jonah’s birth story, you can check it out right here. Once I was finished showering (I think I stayed there under the water for about 45 minutes), I was checked again. And had dilated to almost 6 cms. Progress! And it then became official that we would be having our baby […]
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