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Thanks so much to all of you who have provided such awesome feedback and encouragement on the Move to Manual series I’m co-hosting. I mentioned last week that I’ll be partnering in this series with my friend and fellow photographer Amy Earle of Simply B Photos! Amy’s a remarkable photographer and the brains behind all […]

Move to Manual, photography, Random Things

February 13, 2012

Move to Manual: Finding Great Light

Instead of blogging all of my designs individually as I finish them, I decided that I would just blog each months designs at one time. January was a busy month, but February looks like it’s going to be even busier! I’m so excited about the designs that I’ve finished recently and the new ones in […]

Random Things, Uncategorized

February 11, 2012

January’s Custom WordPress Designs

I am so excited to have my lovely friend Michelle for the Feature Friday Blogger this week. Like most every other blogger out there, we connected by chance…mingling over virtual coffee & Twitter before becoming Facebook friends. Visiting one another’s blog and commenting back and forth. It’s only been recently that we’ve connected over our […]

Random Things, Uncategorized

February 9, 2012

Feature Friday: Me Then…and Now

My head isn’t all here this week, folks. I promise I didn’t just ditch out on you. I haven’t made it around the link to visit last weeks 52 Faces participants, but I plan on doing that today. Bare with me. Like I mentioned on Monday, I’ve been just walking around in a fog. The […]

faith, Family, infertility, Lifestyle, Motherhood

February 9, 2012

52 Faces: Week 6

That’s where I am now. In a fog. Tired. Worn out. Cold. The weather, I think, is finally getting to me here on the island. The cold. The snow. The rain. I’m in need of a beach and some sunshine. Some color and humidity. Something other than endless roads of grey’s and neutrals. I’m not […]

faith, Family, Motherhood

February 7, 2012


I have been completely overwhelmed by everyone’s response to this series! I had no clue when I started pondering the idea that it would be so well received. So many of you have emailed, Facebooked and tweeted me your appreciation (which  is quite flattering considering the series hasn’t even officially begun). I wanted to make […]

Move to Manual, photography, Random Things

February 6, 2012

Move to Manual: Composition & Perspective

I thought I might have something interesting and insightful to share today to go along with my 52 Faces post. Thought I could be as profound in my posts as Laura is in hers, but I’m just not. At least, not this week. This week we’ve done a whole lot of snow-shoveling, movie watching, WordPress […]

Random Things

February 2, 2012

52 Faces | Week 5

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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template customization

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