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Move to Manual: Composition & Perspective

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  1. Shannon says:

    Hi Courtney,
    I just found your website and couldn’t stop reading about your M2M series. I joined your Flickr group and posted my first picture as a reference point. I’m not sure I’d the series is done or still ongoing but wanted to join and start learning how to shoot in manual and take better pictures. Thanks! Shannon

  2. jenni says:

    I just found this and I am so excited to read more! Thank you so much for setting this up and doing all of the work! love love love this!

  3. […] covering all of the basic aspects of photography and how to use your camera. We’ve gone over the basics of composition and lighting; what aperture is; how shutter speed, iso and white balance can change your photos, […]

  4. […] already talked about using the rule of thirds and overcoming the desire to shoot with your subject in the center of the photograph all the time. […]

  5. […] missed any of the Move to Manual posts so far be sure to check them out! We’ve talked about Composition & Perspective, Finding Great Light, Understanding Aperture and Understanding Shutter Speed. All of these […]

  6. Lia says:

    Thanks so much for doing this , I know im a bit late on starting as I just came across your wonderful site. I will get onto taking some sanps of my children tomorrow

  7. […] you missed the first two installments of the Move to Manual Series, so far we’ve talked about composition and perspective in your photographs and how to find great light. Make sure you check these two posts […]

  8. maia.rey says:

    thank you. this is very inspiring and it’s not as difficult as reading my camera manual.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.