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52 Faces: Week 6

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  1. Nancy Cook says:

    Love this post. Beautiful photos! WIsh I would have jumped on your 52 weeks – although my boy is 10 — he has grown 3 inches since August!

  2. Laura says:

    Oh bummer. Came too late for the link-up. Maybe next week I’ll get things done on time! 🙂

  3. Jessica says:

    And he is a beautiful gift. I had a friend once who had trouble TTC with her second child for years. Not being able to conceive, she once told me, took so much from her that she began to only see what she lacked, the children she didn’t have, the sibling her daughter never had. What she realized with time was that rather than focusing on what she thought she was missing to feel whole, she need only focus on that which she already had. Her daughter. Her gift. She was already whole. She was already lucky. She was already blessed. This post reminded me of her.

  4. Nicolette says:

    I understand your fog. It took us about 3 years to conceive our first. I had similar thoughts and feelings. People would say clique things like “relax and it will happen” or “it will happen when it’s suppose to happen.” None of these things made me feel any better, in fact they made me feel worse. I felt guilty feeling jealous every time someone else announced their pregnancy and they would say “I was only off the pill for a month” or “I’m not sure how this happened, we were so busy I don’t know when it happened.” I wanted to shake these women. I put on a strong face but it really broken my heart. One day I confined in a friend and she replied with a simple “I’m sorry.” I said “It’s okay.” She then replied with “No, it’s not okay and you don’t have to be okay. It’s okay to not be okay.” So simple but it really was a turning point for me. I owed the pain and used it to help move forward. It was difficult and took time but I was eventually able to turn my pain into hope and positive feelings. I wish you the same.

  5. […] linking this post up with Courtney Kirkland‘s 52 faces challenge. This is week […]

  6. Gerty says:

    is it too late to join? a friend just recommended your 52 Faces project. i’m learning how to use my camera and though I aspire to take wonderful shots of scenery, macro, etc, my one true desire is to capture those precious moments that I know my brain can’t accurately file away—-my children’s faces as they grow up. Question…how do we see the 52 Faces collection?

  7. Kyna says:

    Hugs again…I’m sending a million hugs over your way!! Thinking of you!
    ♥ Kyna

    P.S- totally off topic I know, but I love these shots…what are your go to actions? Your editing is always awesome…

  8. oh, GRACE to you, friend! And HUGS. xx

  9. Mahina says:

    I love the picture of all the toys lined up next to him on the couch. I’m not going to lie, my brother used to be obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine and I can pretty much name all of them, their color and number. Hahaha. I can’t wait to have a boy and get him them. Thanks for linking up this week!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.