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Things You Don’t Say to a Pregnant Woman

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  1. Tricia says:

    Yes, yes, and yes!! Especially the part about the worst is when they make comments about your firstborn. I’m due in October with my second and everyone keeps talking about how my daughter is going to act when her brother comes. Adjustment? Sure. But we’re all gonna be just fine here, don’t you all worry about us.

    Great post!

    • Courtney says:

      That’s been the most annoying to me. I understand that there will be an adjustment period. But that doesn’t mean that my oldest is going to hate his baby brother or not want anything to do with him, etc. We’ll all manage just fine. 🙂

  2. Kristen says:

    I love this post… seriously. People lose their filter when they talk to someone who is pregnant. I remember when I was pregnant with the twins and someone told me they knew of a twin mom who’s skin actually ripped from being stretched so far. AS IF I NEEDED TO KNOW THAT. EVER. Anyway – I love the post.

  3. Robbie says:

    Those pictures are priceless! I’d have to add that it really angers me that complete strangers think they have a say in whether we find out the gender of our babies. When I was preggo with #2 and already had a son people naturally assumed that I would want a girl. They went ballistic when I said we weren’t finding out until the baby was born. For the record #2 was a girl and #3 a boy.

    • Courtney says:

      I know what you mean. We got lots of information on why we should and shouldn’t find out the gender of our baby. Someone even told us that we HAD to find out because “if it wasn’t what we wanted we’d be disappointed and it might take time to adjust.” Last I checked we wanted a healthy baby…boy or girl.

  4. Stasha says:

    Some people are talented in the area of speaking before they think.

    When I was pregnant (10 years ago) I hated people coming up and rubbing my belly without asking first.

    Um REALLY? You must ask first before you invade my bubble. Please and thank you!

  5. Sara says:

    Oh my goodness! I know how you feel, with people saying things or acting like they know better than you! My MIL is currently asking about #2, when she knows darn well it took 18 months for us to get pregnant with #1, and the way they talk about A & how she needs siblings and yadda yadda it’s like goodness leave us alone!

    • Courtney says:

      Oh good grief. We got that, too. Everyone in our family KNEW that we were trying to get pregnant. And I still got the “Noah’s not getting any younger…there’s going to be a big age gap…do you want to be 30 when this second baby is born?” comments. Like I could help the fact that it took 12 months. Give me a break.

  6. BonnyBard says:

    I know exactly how you feel, I nodded along and laughed a little throughout the whole post! Some people are ignorant, others are mean, and others simply don’t think before they speak. p.s. that first picture is just too adorable!

  7. Kimberly says:

    Oh my goodness, the one about being disappointed it’s not a girl? I STILL get that. All. The. Time. If I go out and have the kids with me, strangers will stop me to make comments about all of my boys. Then they start with the “I’m so sorry you don’t have a girl”. Really? Because I’m not. I love my boys!

    Anyway… 😉 I completely relate to this post. I don’t understand why people lose their filter as soon as they see a pregnant woman. It is so irritating.

    • Courtney says:

      Yep. I got the same comment from a brand new neighbor yesterday. She asked if we knew what we were having and I said “another little boy!” And she said, “Oh…I’m sorry” like it was a bad thing. I must have missed the memo that said I was supposed to be disappointed or upset because this baby isn’t a girl.

  8. Cathy says:

    My SIL just found out she’s pregnant and I’ll be visiting them soon. Good reminder on what to avoid! 🙂

  9. colleen says:

    Oh dear. The things people say. You have to have A LOT of patience!! 🙂

    I have never been pregnant as it isn’t possible for us so I do however have plenty of experience with insensitive and prying questions. Even from people who knew we couldn’t have children. I had some things said to me that were unbelievable to me. So it makes me very careful with what if anything I say about children to others.

    We adopted though and you know, I think I could probably write my own list on that!:) Topping that list would be “Oh you know, maybe once you’ve adopted you’ll have one of your own!” And perhaps topping the list for infertility (especially medically diagnosed) would be “Just relax about it. It’ll happen when you relax your body.” Sorry I may sound a little bit biter (I*m actually not:) but I liken that to telling someone with any disease just relax and your cancer, diabetes, etc., will disappear!

    Anyway, great post and congrats on your pregnancy!:)

    • Courtney says:

      Exactly. Someone who has never struggled with getting pregnant or been down that road shouldn’t even begin to THINK about commenting on someone “being patient” when trying to have a baby. We had trouble for a year, and even now I’m hesitant to say anything to anyone who has struggled or continues to struggle getting pregnant.

  10. I’m constantly astounded by how rude people can be. We often deal with the “know it all’s” too, as they tell me all about how much we’re screwing up our kiddo by choosing to have only one.

    • Courtney says:

      Like that’s anyone else’s business. We debated for a long time on whether we wanted to have just one or have more than one. We *almost* decided to let Noah be the only child. You do what’s right for your family. Who cares what everyone else says, right?

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.