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Things You Don’t Say to a Pregnant Woman

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  1. Heather says:

    I think you are just being sensitive because you are pregnant. I’m kidding!

    I didn’t necessarily have annoying comments when I was pregnant but after my third was born with jet black straight hair and my older two had curly red hair the inappropriate and annoying comments flowed freely. From everyone. Strangers. People I knew. Grocery store cashiers. Everyone.

  2. Alison says:

    I had the boy/ girl statements too and it was annoying and plain rude. When I wrote something about being majorly outnumbered at home (joking of course) on my personal Facebook page, someone said, well you can try for a third. And another said it’s okay, it’s not the end of the world. Really people?

    Oh and one of my aunts told me I looked fat when I was 6 months pregnant.

    • Courtney says:

      LOL People amuse me. I love being the only girl with my boys. It means I can be the queen. 🙂 Truthfully though, having children is a blessing in itself and I’ve never questioned why I was blessed to be a boy mama. If baby number 3 ever comes around I’ll be just as excited over another boy as I would be if it was a girl.

  3. Elsa M says:

    Love this!!!
    Yes, you’re right! I’ve heard some of those before…

    “Yes. I’m pregnant. And hormonal. And fluffy. And swollen. And sore. And hungry.” You forgot sleep-deprived. 🙂

  4. Oh wait. You’ve had those comments, too?!! My fave was getting the – “are you SURE you’re not having twins?” – more than once with the last pgnancy! 😉 Um, yes. I’m sure!

    • Courtney says:

      I got that once or twice with Noah, too. My belly was ginormous. I’m sure I probably did look like I was having twins. But having someone question whether I even knew how many kids I was pregnant with? A little over the top. LOL

  5. Lindsey Riel says:

    You make me smile 🙂 I love the term “fluffy” lol p.s. your blog is looking amazeballs! Love what you’ve done with it!

  6. Mary says:

    I totally agree with you about some people’s comment on having a boy. I initially wanted a girl, but I can’t imagine how a parent would not love a boy. It’s actually good that it gets my husband more involved because he enjoys playing sports with him.

    • Courtney says:

      My husband is a total boy dad. I’m sure he would be a phenomenal girl daddy, too (I know he would). But that doesn’t mean that I would ever trade or change having two boys for it.

  7. Valerie says:

    You look great pregnant! It’s hard not to get upset over the comments said, even before I got pregnant I had a lady checking me out at the grocery store ask me if I was pregnant & when I told her it was just flubber, she said ‘oh, so you just had one?’. Imagine her face when I said no. Did I mention she also was touching my belly at the time?
    Noah will do great at adjusting, it will take some time but he will love his little brother! I’m on your side, and actually I’ve been that new first time mom trying to give advice, but I always had to stop myself because I’ve realized that the person I’m talking to has been through what I’m going through & how difficult it can be!

    • Courtney says:

      Aww, thank you, Valerie! I’m much less self conscious this go around. I’m also a bit meaner, so I’ve told a few people off when they question my size or weight. My doctor says I’m fine, my baby is fine…whose business is it anyway?

  8. Rachel says:

    trust me, I know. I was getting the ‘you must be due any day now’ at 7 months with my first one. This time it’s ‘are you sure you’re not having twins?’ I’m 5’2″, I’m all belly — there’s no where else for this baby to go!!!

  9. Megan says:

    When we were pregnant with girl #3 everyone would say, “oh another girl. I’m sorry.” “Trying got that boy didn’t work did it?”I had no idea we were trying for a boy. Now people constantly ask if we’re going to try for a boy, because you know….my third daughter isn’t enough for us. But worse than that? People asking if she was a mistake! Because her and our 2nd daughter are so close together. What are these people thinking? Obviously they must not be thinking….right??

    • Courtney says:

      It worries me to think that there really are people out there who would be disappointed or upset over the gender of their child. I can’t fathom it. Isn’t every child supposed to be a blessing?

  10. ha ha ha ha oh my gosh i had a post that was SO similar to this in the ‘works’ maybe i’ll just direct them to yours now instead. lol

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.