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To Divide and Conquer

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  1. Elaine A. says:

    OH Courtney, dear, you pose a lot of good questions. As far as the tantrum at the pizza place? DON’T worry about what others think. I know that’s hard, I’ve been there. But in the end it just doesn’t matter. It’s not like they are going to be talking about it tomorrow, or even thinking about it. And who cares if they were judging you? You KNOW you are a good mother. I had to learn all these things too, and I totally understand because I’ve been there too. And I know it’s pretty impossible to feel that way WHILE you’re in that moment.

    And from what I can see (from where I sit) you are doing a great job mothering two. Yes, things have changed a ton for Noah and it’s hard for him to understand it all but it WILL get better soon. Many hugs to you….

  2. Laura says:

    I hear every single thing you said here. I’ve experienced it. It might be a little more defined for you because Noah is older than Cameron. Cameron really couldn’t articulate that we were getting mad at him and not Gavin – but I felt that. It is a major adjustment for everyone. And when we worried before having a second baby that big brother wouldn’t like the baby for taking away some of his attention, the truth is, he loves baby, but he takes it out in other ways.

    And when everyone said “Don’t worry, your love will multiply” what they didn’t say was “but your time won’t”.

    Things really started to get better for us when Gavin could really sit on the floor with Cameron and they could play together. It happened around the same time that I started nursing on a relative schedule. And Gavin’s schedule had long been set. Now Cameron is gaining a new relationship instead of losing out on time and attention.

    Just remember, Noah is still a kid. He is going to have tantrums, and it is not a reflection of you AT ALL. Ignore the stares. They are from people who are ignorant towards children or who have willfully forgotten what their children were like, or who just maybe are sympathizing with you.

    Dan took some time off work at the beginning and pretty much spent it all with Cameron. It was helpful.

    Hugs and good thoughts for you and your family. You’ll get through this. And so will Noah. And you’ll be an awesome family! πŸ˜€

  3. Karen says:

    What an honest post! I am currently pregnant with our second child and I have the same fears running through my head almost 24/7. However, as the oldest of four children, I can guarantee that your oldest son will experience no long-term effects over the attention your giving your newborn right now. The joy of having a younger sibling will soon begin to fill whatever void he may think he is experiencing right now.

    You are doing a wonderful job! And the fact that you are recognizing a change in your oldest speaks volumes about you as a mother. There is not any less love to go around – your heart just grew that much bigger!

    I hope the sun begins to shine a bit brighter for you soon. ((hugs))

  4. I’ve been there too Courtney. It’s a rough spot, but it does get easier. And then it gets harder. And then easier. It’s the ebb and flow. How wonderful of you to know that Noah is still your sweet, sweet boy. But he’s human. Even the little guys go through their things. Meltdowns…don’t you wish WE could do that. Have the freedom to let it all out like that? Wherever, whenever? Gah, that’d be great. No more bottled up feelings. Meltdowns are a sign that he feels safe enough and trusts you enough to let everything out πŸ™‚ If that is any comfort πŸ™‚ Big hugs!

  5. Rachel says:

    I hear you. Especially at bedtime. What to do when both kids are crying and need you for equally valid reasons? I feel guilty because I often ask my husband to tend to the baby while I deal with the two year old only because I know I can calm the two year old more swiftly than my husband can. Plus the two year old is crying for me anyway (major velcro baby). Am I doing my daughter a disservice? I feel like it. And today, I had the epiphany as to why my two year old cries for my attention now when he NEVER did it prior to his sister coming (thanks to reading your post actually!). It had never occurred to me that he does that because he sees his sister cry and we tend to her — so thanks for that!

  6. Gigi says:

    I’ve been in your shoes, and I promise, this will pass. You are doing all the right things…it’s so super hard when you don’t have family nearby, but you *will* get thru this unscathed. One thing I’ve learned from my kids: they want and do forget the challenging times of when they are little and opt to mostly remember the good. What seems huge to you now is little in his mind’s eye. He is resilient, and the best thing you can do for him is be easy on yourself.

    Hang in there. πŸ™‚

  7. Leigh Ann says:

    I can tell you that a lot of this is just kid/baby juggling, and it IS hard. I struggled with the very same things when I had my third wheny twins were only 2. But now at almost 5, 5, and 3 we get a lot more individual time, even I’d it’s just a few minutes drawing at the table with 1 while the other 2 are occupied. Sneak it in wherever you can. And I highly suggest you and your husband make time to spend with just your older child, one on one. Even taking him to run a small errand while your husband watches the baby for a little bit will be beneficial. Hang in there. πŸ™‚

  8. Callie says:

    I have been struggling with alot of the same things with our son! He’s a good boy too, but the tantrums have definitely increased since our daughter was born. It’s hard. It has to get easier though at some point I think, as they get more used to it, right?

  9. Camille duckworth says:

    Oh girly. The greatest thing I gathered from reading this is that u have incredible love for your children and because of that all will be fine! All kids throw tantrums, go through phases whatever they may be. Children in families of two, five or TEN, can thrive, feel loved and learn to love each other too. We also don’t have Family near by, but with five kids in eight years we have discovered their need for one on one and found ways to fit it in. We Bridget for babysitters and schedule dates monthly. no, it’s not easy, it takes planning and organization, but what part of life doesn’t? no, we can’t plan when tantrums will happen but having a plan on how u want to deal with them AND forgetting what anybody else thinks (because you know that doesn’t matter one single bit) will help u cope better. Good luck and keep your spirits high! God is aware of what you are going through and watching over you and your darling family!

  10. Alisha says:

    I cried a little when i read this as it is exactly how i am feeling at the moment down to the feeling guilty for kissing bub #2 (3months) and feeling guilty i dont have the same time i used to with Missy moo (#1)(2.5 yrs) & the tantrums have just escalated and also know its because missy moo (#1) had 2 years of mummy & daddy to herself and now has to share. I too feel the eyes burning into me when a tantrum is thrown in public or i feel upset when one is thrown at home and i now have two babys crying their eyes out!! And i have to say ive joined them at times crying myself cos i just felt torn!! I know these moments will pass and i know ill look back as this was just a phase (even though it sure doesnt feel like it) But i am trying to give both children the same amount of attention and kisses and hugs as i possibly can and when one is asleep then the other gets my full attention, it does mean ME time is pushed to the side at the moment but if both my babies are happy then at the moment thats all that matters to me πŸ™‚ I have even gone as far as having all the snack foods at the front of the cupboards and drink bottles filled up in the fridge or toys set up for around feed times for missy moo …because that is when tantrums mostly occur because my attention is on bub #2 and i needed to have that reasurance that both kiddies r happy for that one moment, the other is bed times when both want mummy ive had to have one in her bed and the other on the other side of me to get them both to sleep to prevent the night time tantrums,i am also in shock as how fast the tantrums escalated as my missy moo is the sweetest most clever little being and it makes me sad as i know this is not her but her feelings coming out and her thinking this is the only way to express them to me… things have to get better soon!! I just have to say i love reading your blogs it is so nice to have another mother tell of her feelings about being a mum and to put into words what most of us mums feel πŸ™‚ thank you for being open & honest x

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.