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Go forward…Grow up

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  1. […] boy. He’s a sweet, sweet kid with the biggest heart and the most genuine enjoyment of life. He’s thriving in school, loving his teacher and his new friends. He looks forward to the days that he gets to go to school […]

  2. Elaine A. says:

    I had so many drop-offs with tears. SO. MANY. With my second son. That was last year, in pre-k 4, the same spot where your son is, I assume. And now he’s in Kindergarten and he goes to his class with no problem. I know how hard it is, I do. I cried a few times myself, walking away from him. But he was always happy when I picked him up. And his teachers always told me he was done crying within a minute or two. Hang in there, it does get easier. Promise.

  3. I never had this experience – had two boys who went to preschool at 2 years old and never looked back. Can’t decide whether they were just born independent or whether I was really, really boring.

  4. Galit Breen says:

    So. Many. Hugs to you and your sweet boy! <3

  5. Doctor G says:

    I have gone through this four times. Four times! We’ve tried it different ways at different ages, and nothing changed the fact that those first couple of weeks were hard!! And then they each started to love preschool. Not just tolerate it, LOVE it! So keep the faith.

  6. Shell says:

    Oh, it’s so hard to leave them when they are crying like that. But it helps to know the crying doesn’t last long and that they get used to it pretty quickly- and love school.

  7. angela says:

    Oh, it’s so hard to leave them 🙁 Yes. Grow up, but slowly, babies. xo

  8. Natalie says:

    “So go forward, sweet boy and grow up…

    I burst into tears when I read that. It is so, SO hard to let them go. This is beautifully written, Courtney.

  9. Amy Willa says:

    Oh, Courtney, I was right where you are now just a few moths ago! Abbey went through a period where she would cry and say “please don’t leave me here! I want to be with you!” and bawl. . . but her teachers assured me every day that she was having good days, demonstrating really healthy signs, and learning a lot.

    I think it’s an interesting perspective for those of us who are work at home mamas (and/or in school) . . . especially with a second child in play as well. Many days I feel like I miss her, because I am working and studying and doing my schoolwork and sewing diapers AT HOME in our space, instead of working outside the home and being in a different space and a different mentality. That must be similar for you with your work. . .

    Anyway, it’s hard for a little while, and feelings of conflict of emotion will come and go. But a good preschool environment is GOOD for our kids. And soon, the season of crying for mom will be over and your heart can rest a bit 🙂 Love to you, Courtney!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.