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On Disappointing our Children

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  1. An unmet WANT never hurt anyone…only unmet NEEDS can do damage.

    It’s not good for kids to get everything they desire – it’s a good lesson to learn that sometimes, plans change. Learning to accept disappointment and develop the ability to adapt to situations will serve your son far longer than that toy (or any toy) will.

    I think you’re being awfully hard on yourself. There will be other opportunities for your son to learn this lesson…that’s how life is.

    • Courtney K. says:

      Thank you! No matter how hard it is for me, as a parent, to see him disappointed, the consequences of him not learning that life isn’t always fair, would be more difficult to deal with down the road.

  2. Kyna says:

    I absolutely love this post! I love your honesty! I can only imagine how that is going to feel the first time I have to disappoint Ellie. NOT looking forward to that one!
    ♥ Kyna

    • Courtney K. says:

      It wasn’t easy, that’s for sure. But I think it helped that 2 hours later the little guy was giving me hugs, saying he loved me and going about his business. LOL

  3. I know that feeling. It’s awful. It’s happened with us, although I can’t remember now what it was. I must have blocked it out. 😉

    • Courtney K. says:

      LOL I hear ya. I try to block out those few minutes of utter depression he experienced when he realized that we WEREN’T seeing the movie. LOL

  4. Shell says:

    Aw, poor guy. But, such a part of life.

    I think it’s good for our kids to learn that they aren’t going to get everything they want exactly when they want it. I hate to let mine down, too, but sometimes, we just can’t do it all!

    • Courtney K. says:

      A-MEN. If I had 8 arms, required no sleep and carried around an “easy” button, I still don’t think I could do it all. LOL

  5. Gina says:

    Ahh- my kids know this feeling all too well unfortunately. Because of my hubs job- they have learned to roll with the schedule- whatever it may bring. He’s had to rush out the door on Christmas morning, been away on Thanksgiving, missed a 1st birthday celebration because all YOU KNOW WHAT was breaking loose during a storm. In fact this last December he was on his way home w/ ice cream in his truck- he was literally pulling into the neighborhood & the candles were lit on my daughter’s birthday cake- when a call came out & he had to turn around. Fortunately it was cold enough in Dec that the ice cream wasn’t too melted by the time he got home- but he missed the wishes & the presents. We were actually on our family vacation this past June when he got called to go fight the fires in AZ. We turned the car around & headed home. Vacation cancelled- dad gone for an extended time & trapped in the car for 18 hours. The kids were troopers & never once complained. It’s disappointing- yes- but it’s life. Just like I was looking forward to sleeping in this morning- the call came out at 3:30 and out he went. We have all learned to deal with it- it’s what he does. The kids understand that there are sacrifices one has to make in this day to earn a living & they are learning the value of good work ethic. I learned today that while it totally sucked being up at that time in the morning- sometimes there are things that make it all good. When I walked him out- the moon, stars, clouds & the glow of Vegas behind the mountain make the most beautiful image & after he left – there I was with my tripod, snapping away. There is give & take. Life is full of things that can disappoint a person- but it’s all in how you look at it.

    • Courtney K. says:

      I couldn’t agree with you more. There are just times when we can’t control life, or the situations that are handed to us. I think what’s most important is that our kids see us learning to roll with the punches and go about life as if nothing happened. Disappoint is part of it. We just have to keep moving forward.

  6. Jen says:

    I’m sure I would’ve done the same thing. It just breaks my heart to see my girl upset.

    But that is a valuable lesson that they have to learn. That we have to teach them.

    • Courtney K. says:

      Yep. Most definitely. The consequences of NOT teaching them would be far worse than the disappoint they experience when they don’t get what they want.

  7. I try really hard not to disappoint my kiddos, but – like you said – it is just something that life throws your way every once in a while. I think it is a good lesson for our kids to not get everything they are promised – mean as it may sound – to show them that life isn’t all rainbow and butterflies. It teaches them to adapt and overcome – to be strong – and to let go sometimes. Disappointment can be a good thing.


    • Courtney K. says:

      You are absolutely right. Disappointment does teach a very valuable set of lessons all on its own. Letting our kids learn that when things don’t go their way, they can’t get mired down and wallow in it. They have to just keep moving forward. Thank you for stopping by! 🙂

  8. Kathryn says:

    it’s not easy when we have to break promises, and I think we work really hard to build a trust relationship with our kids so they know that we keep our word. but, they also have to experience that sometimes there are times and circumstances when things just don’t go as we planned. if they don’t have times of disappointment and learn to deal with those times, they won’t become well-adjusted adults, and we would ultimately be poor parents.

    • Courtney K. says:

      That last piece of your comment is vital. 🙂 NOT teaching our kids that life doesn’t go their way would be more of a disappointment in the long run. No one wants to raise a child who expects things to be perfect and handed to them. Disappointment builds character. And that’s what matters the most.

  9. Ashley Sisk says:

    I think this was a wonderful lesson for you and for Noah. You guys are just figuring it out together and I know you handled it beautifully…you’re teaching me too.

  10. Mandi says:

    I’ve started realizing that I need to be more careful about what I promise Maddy because sometimes things just don’t work out when I thought they would. I know it happens but like you, it breaks my heart for her. I hate to get her excited about something and then have to explain to a two year old why we can’t do something mommy said we could. (Like not going swimming because it’s raining).

    I. Hate. It.

    • Courtney K. says:

      Oh yeah. It definitely doesn’t get easier. I’m teaching Noah the word “maybe.” When he asks to go to the park or something, I have to say maybe because we never know what the weather will do here. And it’s not worth the all out tantrum when we don’t get to go.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.