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Motherhood Robbed me of my Social Skills

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  1. adrienne says:

    Oh, yes! I used to be very social! But, now, I’m happy just being home. Trying to figure what to with my free time, if I get any, is more stressful that not getting it! LOL I’m with you. I would kill for a quiet moment here at home without anyone calling my name.

    • Courtney says:

      I tend to stress out over what to do with my free time, too. Do I clean? Do I blog? Do I edit photos? Do I just sit and do nothing (for the first time in AGES?!)

  2. Andrea says:

    I would say I am an extrovert because I can and do talk to anyone. I also enjoy it. But sometimes I just prefer flying solo. I vary. I have introvert-tendencies, with an extrovert personality. 😉

    But ask me about my dream me time and it’s totally at the Stbx of a B&N just like you!

  3. Jessica says:

    Oh this is me, exactly. I’m a total hermit. I will make plans and then, if I think about it for too long, talk myself into staying home and I think motherhood has just helped me to do that even more so.

  4. Michelle says:

    I love the quiet time in reading a good book or watching a movie…so with you on that one!

  5. Lindsey Riel says:

    I feel like I could have written this blog? I’m completely content at home and rarely leave 🙂 I used to love to be social, but apparently I’m more of an introvert than I thought since we have yet to venture out and make friends since we moved here … last year 🙂 Military life thing? Thanks for posting this, there’s nothing better than knowing you’re not alone in feeling a certain way 🙂

    • Courtney says:

      I think it’s a military life thing. I don’t mind getting together with one or two people, but once we have one or two close sets of friends, I’m pretty much done. I told Josh it just takes too much energy to make close friends…and when we find a few, I don’t feel like putting in the effort to continue to grow our social circle. LOL That sounds so horrible, but oh well. Being military it’s also harder to make friends knowing that you’re going to have to leave them in a few years.

  6. Voni Harris says:

    Are you planning on homeschooling? If so, the introversion is cool, but MAKE SURE you’re connected to the homeschool community.

    Talk to you soon!


  7. Stephanie says:

    I am a “have to get out of the house” kind of person, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I want a lot of “me” time or “girls nights” OR that I just go up and introduce myself to new people (although it’s my job to do that daily). My “me” time is usually at home editing photos or blogging time. When I go out, I still want Jonah (and Wesley, but mostly Jonah) with me. Am I crazy? probably. That will probably change as he gets older, but for me I work outside of the home all day and want to be with the people I love at night and on the weekends. We have a dinner with friends tomorrow night and I WANT to see them, but I’d kind of rather stay home, especially on a week night ;/

  8. Andrea says:

    I’m also very much an introvert, and like your husband, my husband is a real extrovert. We also really help to balance each other out in that regard. I do really enjoy getting out of the house when I can, but just with my husband or a couple close friends for a more low-key type of outing. My favorite nights are when I’m home with my husband, just lounging around and enjoying each others company.

    • Courtney says:

      I’m a more low key type person, too. I prefer getting together with just one or two people instead of a large group of people. Those are my favorite nights, too…just me and my boys. 🙂

  9. So I’m not a mom but various changes in my life over the years have contributed to my social interests. I am oddly both an introvert and extrovert depending on my mood. I like my quiet time and I like to be left the heck alone at times.

    However, being a stay at home wife with few friends also makes me crave social interaction. I’m not a social butterfly per se, I just like the occasional get together with friends over coffee, lunch, or a dinner. I live in party central here in Vegas yet I have no interest. But coffee or lunch? Oh it’s on.

    Lately I’ve been in more of a “I need to go out and experience life” mood just because staying home all the time can get lonely. Fortunately school starts soon so that’ll take care of things in that aspect.

  10. Kimberly says:

    I’m the same way. I’m an introvert and would rather enjoy some quiet time alone rather than going out on the social scene. I still need ‘me time’ but I get it in other ways outside of socializing.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.