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Motherhood Robbed me of my Social Skills

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  1. […] that were coming to our family started to come to light for him. I also struggled a bit with maintaining some sense of individuality and social skills despite our growing family and my shrinking free […]

  2. annie says:

    I love this post for many reasons: as usual, your honesty, and also because it’s a glimpse into who I’ll probably be when I’m a mother. Because I would rather shop by myself and spend my Friday night reading than do about anything else, already.

    Also: I love that picture of you. It cracks me up! & I love your new blog design! Especially the icons at the top. Those are sweet!

  3. Elena says:

    What a great topic to blog about! I know exactly what you mean! It’s nice to know others feel the same way. I always get afraid that since my little one was born and not getting out as much would strip me of ALL my social skills. That makes me a little nervous especially seeing as I want to get a job once Alivia is in school. I’m going to have to brush up on my skills!

  4. Meagan says:

    This got me thinking last week….I’m definitely a homebody to an extent, but I also love meeting friends and doing fun stuff. And a Tuesday morning at the playground is fine by me – fun for the kids and I usually end up chatting with the other moms. But, I often need a push to actually get out and GO! I also love that our family is close by. It gives me a chance to go do fun stuff with the people I love the most. I hope you get some good “me” time this week! 🙂

    • Courtney says:

      I think if our family was closer to us, I’d be a bit more apt to go out and interact with others. It’s exhausting dragging the one kid out and about (especially in the nasty weather that thrives in Kodiak) and I know with a second it will be worse.

  5. Me too. I’m actually fine in new situations and talking to new people, but I can only do it for so long. And I’m right there with you on the need for me time. I would way, way rather have some quiet time to myself than go out with someone else. And yes, I’ve become more that way since I became a mom.

    • Courtney says:

      I understand completely. I don’t mind being “social” for a little while, but when I hit my limit, I’m done. I basically shut down and forget how to interact (or so it seems).

  6. Jamie says:

    Oh how I can relate to this (although i’m not a mother) I’m very much an introvert. And being an introvert is beautiful all in itself. Although since moving to a new place altogether I’ve pushed myself further than ever.

    Part of it with me is my independence too. I like my “me time” and “my space.” So it tends to clash with others time and time again. I still haven’t found that balance!

    • Courtney says:

      I haven’t found that balance yet either. I like things a certain way, like my house a certain way, and like going to certain places. It’s not that I don’t want to give and take, but when you get in routine, you get in routine. 🙂

  7. cate says:

    I am so on the same page with you! haha when I do have social interaction I am so so awkward…I didn’t realize it was a skill you had to practice until after I had my sweet babies!

    • Courtney says:

      LOL That’s what so funny…I really was a social person a long time ago. And then I had a baby and started spending more time with my online friends than real life friends. It’s easier to be social on the internet when you don’t have to get out of your pajamas and go anywhere. 🙂

  8. Julia says:

    I can really relate to this and whole I love the occasional night out with my friends I’m mostly a home body. And you will rarely catch me running from playdate to playdate it’s just too exhausting .

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.