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Motherhood Robbed me of my Social Skills

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  1. Carolyn says:

    I love staying at home and being by myself, but I also like to go out ~ not as often as some of my friends.
    I think motherhood and marriage has changed the social-me.

    • Courtney says:

      Agreed. It’s definitely changed the social me. I was a get out and go more frequently type person before I was married. Most days now, I’d rather just be with my boys.

  2. I could totally see how becoming a Mom has enhanced your inclination to be a “hermit” of sorts. I’ve always been somewhat extroverted. I can be pretty shy in a room full of people I don’t know, and in fact, probably would never walk up to someone and just introduce myself. Which is the reason why I probably haven’t attended a media conference yet, either. I’m super intimidated. BUT all I need is 1-2 people I know,and I will loosen up and feel more comfortable. Being a Mom actually heightened my desire to be more outgoing. I love my kids to death and I spend pretty much every waking minute with them, but at the same time – I think it’s important for me to have a balance. Which is why when Bennett was born, I sort of clung to blogging. I mean, a bunch of like-minded mommies all in one place?? YES please. And the best part was that I got to know a bunch of local bloggers and now they are some of my best friends. I think blogging is amazing like that!

    • Courtney says:

      As long as I know a few people, I do pretty well with socializing. 🙂 Definitely not completely anti-social. I’m looking forward to being somewhere where I can go to meet ups with other bloggers. Not a lot of that around here in Kodiak.

  3. I love being home. I have had to work on being out more for JDaniel. He has to learn social skills in different situations and places. I guess I do to.

    • Courtney says:

      I don’t worry too much about Noah’s social skills. He does fantastic out and about; whether we are with friends or with people we don’t know that well. If we ever started having issues with that, I’d be a bit more apt to get out and go.

  4. ilene says:

    I’m an introvert too. And you know what? That’s fine by me! I love my friends but I am not a huge fan of running all over the place for “another play date.” I’m with you, friend!

  5. Wayne says:

    I am totally like you too. I would much rather spend time with my loved ones that being out and about. Nothing like curling up with a good book.

  6. Rachel says:

    I could’ve written this post! My idea of me time is sending my little boy out with my big boy so I can sit at home and do all the ‘homey’ type things I only dream about these days…read a book…knit…work on my photos…blog even! I only have a small circle of friends because I know I can’t spread myself over many people. It’s too exhausting! I saw an excellent post on Pinterest the other day — Introverts unite! (individually). I want it on a t-shirt!

    • Courtney says:

      It’s funny, when I get time home alone I don’t even know what to do with myself. Sometimes I just sit and enjoy the quiet. And YES!! Can I get one of those shirts, too!?

  7. Alison says:

    Sounds like my kind of good times – being at home 🙂

    As you read in my latest post, when I have free time (which is often, thank you in laws!), I either stay home to catch up on housework or blogging, or I go out on my own and run errands. My idea of bliss is sitting down with a coffee and writing, whether it’s at home or by myself at Starbucks.

    • Courtney says:

      Agreed. That’s the ideal “me” time. If I have my computer, a cup of coffee and a few hours of quiet? I’m golden. We don’t have a stand alone Starbucks here, but I sure am looking forward to it when we get moved again. 🙂

  8. Brittany says:

    I never knew how much we were unlike until reading this post. I, like you, would much rather spend my time home with my kids enjoying them than being out and about with a crowd of people. My husband is always trying to get me to go out. I am so much of a homebody until it’s not even funny, glad to know I’m not alone.

    • Courtney says:

      You are definitely not alone. Josh has to force me out of the house sometimes, otherwise I don’t go anywhere. I just like being in my element. And unless I have a reason to go somewhere, what’s the point?

  9. We seem a lot alike 🙂 except for the coffee thing.. Yuck! But I love the smell 🙂

  10. Shell says:

    Nothimg wrong with that. I’m definitely an introvert. Though I do need some of that me time outside of my house. Otherwise, it’s just not quiet enough.

    • Courtney says:

      Agreed. I take some time away from home on occasion, but not often. I partly blame it on the weather here in Alaska. When we were stateside I spent at least 4-5 hours per week out at Starbucks or Barnes & Noble by my lonesome.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.