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Fervent // Week One

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  1. Kathy Pyron says:

    Hello, just found your outline on Fervent. We just started Fervent and oddly enough our small group is called “Jesus Girls!” I have a question about what Priscilla is referring to when she states on page 33 what is on loan to us. Can you clear this up for us?

  2. Keshia says:

    I am listening to the audiobook of this study, and I wanted to say thank you for doing this breakdown!

  3. Carole Sparks says:

    Wondering where I can find the prayer cards for the rest of the strategies?

    • Rhonda Johnson says:

      I am beginning a ladies Bible study at my church on the book, “Fervent.” I would very much appreciate being able to get anything that I can hand out to my ladies up with a story as I have just read on your block that there is no DVD to listen to for the class. I am more than willing to pay for anything that you offer. Please let me know!
      Because of Jesus, Rhonda Johnson

  4. Marian says:

    I received the book for Christmas. Began reading it the next day. I am dealing with Satan’s attacks in many areas of my life. It feel as though I am going through a severe storm. Gods timing is perfect and Right on time!! I’m excited about getting started, but first feel that I need to start with a heartfelt prayers for correction. As I am feeling so much guilt about my past and the current circumstances of my childrens lives. We’ve been going around the same mountain, a vicious cycle that never ceases. I pray for a new beginnings, peace and unity. Please pray with me.

    • Marian, you most definitely are in my prayers! I assure you that when you start to implement these methods, you will still see an attack from the enemy (sometimes even more so than you feel now), but you will be FULLY equipped to handle it. Praying for you friend!

      • Marian says:

        Thank you for your response and prayers are greatly appreciated. I am recording more in my journal, writing down specific prayers and began writing a letter to my four adult children. I am reading and studying the scripture, my prayer life has increased tremendously, as I am feeling really good about this book determined to face every attack with a battle plan. The prayer cards really helped me to began incorporating the scripture into my prayers. Again I say thank you and will continue in prayer for all those involved in this personal study as well.

  5. nancy bayouth says:

    IS there a DVD with the book to help lead a group?

    • Hey Nancy! I know that there is an actual “War Room” study that includes a DVD as well as one for “The Battle Plan for Prayer” but I do not believe that Priscilla Shirer did a DVD based study of Fervent.

  6. Sheri Felix says:

    Do you have prayer cards for each chapter, or just chapter one? I love them and ran them off. Thank you so much!

    • Hey Sheri! I’m actually in the process of putting together an entire pack of cards for this study! I’m going to have those ready by the end of this week! Make sure you subscribe, as I’ll be sending out a preview for that soon as well as the launch announcement!

  7. TERY SARVER says:

    I am signed up but have not received any emails.

  8. Hi Courtney,

    I am co-leading a Bible Study (Women’s) on this wonderful book “Fervent”. Just began today and am telling our ladies about your blog. Thanks for all your insights and your honesty!

    • Hey Roxanne! Thank you so much for your kind words! Good luck to you and your study group! This book is so, so good! I pray that God moves in BIG ways among your group! <3

  9. Roshon says:

    I am having trouble. I don’t know where to begin . I don’t know how to follow the book exactly. What do I do?

  10. Cheryl May says:

    Hi Courtney!
    I am so enjoying your study! I sent you a private message about my group and the book Fervent.
    Did you get it?
    Look forward to hearing from you! 🙂

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.