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Casting Stones: A Christian Woman’s Perspective on the Ashley Madison Scandal

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  1. […] Casting Stones: A Christian Woman’s Perspective on the Ashley Madison Scandal […]

  2. […] my family, even though I love the latter more than what I do. I say things that I don’t mean. I’ve thought about cheating on my husband; and even about leaving him because things just got hard. I have contemplate suicide before because there just didn’t […]

  3. […] physical somethings we can see than focusing on the actual enemy at work. The enemy isn’t the husband or wife who has the affair and commits adultery. The enemy here is the devil himself who has taken ahold of that spouse and watched another marriage […]

  4. anonymous says:

    I think most everyone of us (Christian/non-christian alike) have dealt with this on some level. I agree and I can’t even imagine how devastating it is for those individuals who are having to deal with all of this in the public eye. It’s hard enough dealing with it in private with your spouse but for the whole world to know your dirty laundry?!?
    My heart goes out to those affected by this and my prayer is that God would heal the hearts and souls of those who are struggling and find themselves where they feel defeated and have no way out.
    The enemy is so good at speaking hopelessness, lies and deceit to the point where he gets us to believe that we can’t overcome our struggles, that we will be forever enslaved to them.
    I personally know what it is to be addicted to pornography, I struggled with this when I was single. The hardest step to take in getting freedom and healing is confession. The key thing is that that temptation will always try to call at us and get us back.
    This is where I realize for myself that I must make the daily choice to say yes to God and no to those things that want to destroy me and my family.
    I have a feeling more well known names will be released in public re: the Ashley Madison leak. It shakes our core when we find out it’s people we looked up to and admired.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.