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Spiritual Identity Crisis //Fervent Week 3

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  1. Holly says:

    Great study! I enjoy reading your posts as I am going through the book a second time now. Really helps to cement the key points in my mind. Thank you for posting this Fervent Bible study.

  2. Jean Glore says:

    We are going to be starting this bible study at our church on February 18th and I am really interested in what you have written. I was wondering, will the rest of the weeks be posted soon? It looks like nothing has been posted since September of 2015 so I didn’t know if this is going to be continued or not. Please let me know because I was wanting to use your post as guidelines for our study. Thank you, Jean

    • Hi Jean! First, thank you so much for your kind words! It means the world that you would like to use part of my words in your class! I am catching up on getting these posts added. I wrote a post about the distractions that put me behind. You can find week 4’s posts under the Current Bible Study tab and I’ll be posting Week 5 and Week 6 on Friday!

      • Jean Glore says:

        Thank you so much ! I understand life gets in our way sometimes and can be overwhelming I just so enjoyed what you had written and was hoping for more! Glad more is in on the way, thanks again !

  3. Betty says:

    Thank you!!! God bless!!! Look forward to reading more!!!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.