I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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  1. Bree says:

    I have been where you are, and will give you some older and wiser advice. Cut yourself some serious slack. Being a mother is the hardest thing that I have ever done. Most days were about survival and not about being a good mother. I can assure you that you will have “enough” when it is time for you to have another child. They are not going to remember the days when you lost it, but they will remember that you loved them and did the best that you could. Have you considered sending Noah to preschool for a few hours a few times a week? Mine all went at 2 and it was beneficial for all of us.

    • Courtney says:

      We looked into preschool here at our CDC on base but it’s OUTRAGEOUS how expensive it is (think several hundred dollars a month) and the reviews I received from people who had been there and done that weren’t that impressive. I have a friend looking to open a home daycare in the coming months and I’m thinking of sending hime 2 days a week just for the social interaction and the sanity saving free time. Thank you so much for your sweet encouragement! 🙂 Your comment really made me feel better!

  2. I am sorry you’re going through a rough patch. I hope it all begins to ease soon. I know I could have written several of these myself. ((hugs))

  3. Laura says:

    You are awesome. And overworked. And tired. And you need a break. I can tell! 🙂

    Ahhh – where to begin? Don’t feel guilty about ANY of these things. Seriously. We’ve *all* been there. You are not a bad Mom. And in no way is your parenting the reason you’re not getting pregnant. So get THAT out of your head right now.

    You just need a break. You need someone close to come to you and say “Let me take Noah. You, just go out. Have a coffee. Get your hair done. Go on a date. Read a book. Do something for YOU!”. And yet, it is so hard for that to happen when family isn’t close – I get it.

    I really hope you find a chance to refuel soon. You deserve it. Hugs!!

    • Courtney says:

      Thank you my love for your encouragement! Your comments always make me feel better! I definitely need a break. Soon. The husband and I have been having some deep conversations about that and some things are about to change. 🙂 I. am. excited. Hope you’re feeling good this week!

  4. Would it be too much for me to tell you that I love you for writing this? Well, too bad. I have had those weeks (Cheetos and all) and am so glad that you are just as flawed as the rest of us. It gives me hope.

    Now go take some pictures of your Little Man because what you have going on over there IS interesting.

    • Courtney says:

      LOL No at all! I am most definitely flawed…no where near shiny and perfect. 🙂 Hope you are having a wonderful week and thank you so much for your sweet encouragement!

  5. yep…last week I actually said damn you to my Pule. Boy did I have some guilt after that, but I had reached my limit too. I hear ya.

  6. Georgia says:

    Sorry it was a rough week.. those are no fun (thanks Captain Obvious). I hope this week is better!

  7. Voni says:

    Hugs, Courtney. You are loved with an Almighty Love by the One who is Love.

  8. Amy Willa says:

    Oh, Courtney, I just want to say *hugs* . . . I know exactly how you feel, and there is NO shame in your challenges and your reactions to them! <3 Some days, I really feel as if I am the worst parent in the world, and then I look at my to-do list after bedtime and rush over to Natural Parent's Network, log in as an admin, and start typing a natural, responsible parenting post, or a natural learning post, thanking "I am such a hypocrite"

    The thing is is that our children remember our reactions, our responses to our daily failures more than the failures themselves. So, contrition (real, honest contrition) and compassion (with ourselves and our children – as much as possible) pass over and mollify the awfulness of our mistakes – every time. And lots of the things we see as failures, they see as totally awesome. I mean, cheetos for breakfast? How much did your little man love that!? Not a failure. Just a normal, needed occurrence. You're a person, too.

    Just wanted to say – *hugs* and hang in there! When you feel like you've had a total mommy-fail moment, you can rest assured that I have probably felt the very same way at some point in the last hour 😉 Thinking of you!

    • Courtney says:

      The first part of this comment cracked me up. I feel the same way sometimes…like I’m faking it everywhere else. I think that’s why I feel such a relief when I write posts like this and lay it all out on the table. Thank you for your encouragement! Always very, very much appreciated!

  9. Connie says:

    Hoping you have a better week! I bought The Women’s Resolution and it came in Friday 🙂 I’m dying to open it up be we are going back to Cali next week so I figured I should get back and get settled before diving in. I want to absorb it all! I love how real you keep your site. You’re not alone in questioning your parenting and having those little breakdowns. I’m having to check myself a lot lately since Hubby deployed again. Our girl has really been acting out and it’s been hard to keep a level head. You WILL get through this 🙂 Sounds like you need a good day “off” from motherhood to pamper yourself and recharge.

    • Courtney says:

      Thank you, Connie!! Have you had a chance to start on the Women’s Resolution yet? I’m into the second part, but I’m taking this book really, really slow. I don’t want to rush through it and miss something, kwim? Hope you had/are having a wonderful time in Cali!

  10. Oh my gosh I love that you wrote this. I feel like we are living the same life just on different islands 🙂 Hang in there.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.