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As per tradition, we set up our Christmas Tree and got out our Holiday Decorations on Friday. Four boxes of Christmas lights, several hours, and a couple of hundred dollars later we have a tree decorated, a wreath on the front door and a handful of presents already wrapped and waiting for Christmas Eve. Since […]

Lifestyle, Random Things, Uncategorized

November 28, 2011

Oh, Christmas Tree…

How was your Thanksgiving? We had a “white” Thanksgiving and cold temperatures here in Kodiak. I cooked a lot of food, then ate a lot of food, and then slipped into a nice long turkey coma last night. This morning, I’m happy to have Wendy from Mama One to Three here to guest post for me as […]

Random Things, Uncategorized

November 25, 2011

Feature Friday | Charitable Works & Ballet Flats

How’s your week been so far? Ours has been cold. Really frigid cold. 24 degrees as the high…cold. You get it. But, what was I to expect since, you know, we live in Alaska and all. I’m excited to have Nicole from Moments That Define Life here at my Feature Friday Blogger this week! She’s another […]

Random Things

November 17, 2011

Feature Friday | Undiscovered Dreams

Growing up in Alabama, we never got to experience a Snow Day. When we did get snow (which, anyone living in the deep south knows only happens once every 10 years or so…) it was only enough to cover the ground. Maybe an inch if we were really lucky. Snow is just not in the climate […]

Random Things

November 13, 2011

Snow Day

I was so excited to offer my blog readers a chance to win a custom Wordprses Design last month. I had almost 150 entries and Robin from Farewell Stranger snagged the grand prize: A Custom Blog Design. She was open to pretty much anything, though she did want to keep with the blue/teal theme she’s had […]

Random Things, Uncategorized

November 13, 2011

Farewell Stranger | Design Concepts & Launch

I’m away again today! I’m visiting Jessica @ The Spitup Chronicles sharing a little motherly insight into the waiting game of parenthood. My son has been stubborn and set in his ways since the day that he was born; and there isn’t a circumstance that we’ve encountered so far that we haven’t had to wait […]

Random Things, Uncategorized

November 11, 2011

On the Move | In His Time

The last week and a half has been emotional and stressful, to say the least. Little Man’s birthday party-followed immediately by Halloween-totally took the wind out of me. I wonder during times like that how mom’s with five or six kids do it. (Seriously, you guys are my heroes.) Little Man had his three year […]

Family, Lifestyle, Motherhood, Random Things

November 8, 2011

Developmental Milestones

We’ve been in debate on whether or not to send the Little Man off to PreSchool this year. I’ve talked about all of the reasons why Preschool would benefit him (and me) because of my work schedule and I’ve spilled my heart on how uncomfortable I am with the idea of someone else taking care […]

Family, Lifestyle, Military Life, Motherhood, Random Things, Uncategorized

November 6, 2011

Why We are Homeschooling

How are you guys liking this new Feature Friday addition? I have to tell you, I’m loving it. I love having a “day off” every week; but more than that, I love being able to feature and spotlight some of my favorite bloggers week after week. Giving back to this fantastic blog community makes me […]

Random Things

November 3, 2011

Feature Friday | Rainbowy

So far in my short 24 years… I Have:   …Had my heart-broken …Lost every single one of my grandparents …Been without a home or a single personal possession …Known a love so big that it can’t be measured …Witnessed a miracle   …Driven across the country …Hit rock bottom and wondered if I would […]

Lifestyle, Random Things

November 2, 2011

I Have/Have Not…

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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