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If you’ve missed any of the Move to Manual series so far, be sure to check it out! We’ve spent the last several weeks covering all of the basic aspects of photography and how to use your camera. We’ve gone over the basics of composition and lighting; what aperture is; how shutter speed, iso and […]

Move to Manual, photography, Random Things

April 3, 2012

Move to Manual: Wrapping it Up

This is going to be the last tutorial in the Move to Manual Series! Next week, I’m going to go over setting up a shot and how I prepare my settings and position my subject. Next weeks post won’t go up until Tuesday because I want you guys to take a full week to review the tutorials […]

Move to Manual, photography, Random Things

March 27, 2012

Move to Manual: Understanding Metering

We are slowly winding down this series on understanding your camera a bit better and making that jump from Auto to Manual. I really appreciate all of the feedback that you guys have given and I hope that you are all enjoying this series as much as I’ve enjoyed putting it together. To view all […]

Move to Manual, photography, Random Things

March 18, 2012

Move to Manual: Understanding Focal Points

Can you guys believe we are coming to the end of our Move to Manual journey?! It’s hard to believe that we started this just a few weeks ago and have already discussed so much. Are you guys learning a lot? I’ve enjoyed seeing all of you post your images over in the Group Flickr […]

Move to Manual, photography, Random Things

March 11, 2012

Move to Manual: White Balance

If you’ve missed any of the Move to Manual posts so far be sure to check them out! We’ve talked about Composition & Perspective, Finding Great Light, Understanding Aperture and Understanding Shutter Speed. All of these techniques build off of one another to create a perfect balance, allowing YOU to successfully shoot in manual mode! Do […]

Move to Manual, photography, Random Things

March 4, 2012

Move to Manual: ISO

If you’ve missed the first few installments of Move to Manual, make sure you check them out! So far we’ve discussed composition, lighting and aperture. These techniques build off of one another, so you’ll want to make sure that you’ve read them all! Shutter Speed is a vital setting for all of us busy mama’s […]

Move to Manual, Random Things

February 27, 2012

Move to Manual: Shutter Speed

In case you missed the first two installments of the Move to Manual Series, so far we’ve talked about composition and perspective in your photographs and how to find great light. Make sure you check these two posts out! My desire to learn photography and own an SLR camera came from the desire to achieve […]

Move to Manual, photography, Random Things

February 20, 2012

Understanding Aperture & Depth of Field

Thanks so much to all of you who have provided such awesome feedback and encouragement on the Move to Manual series I’m co-hosting. I mentioned last week that I’ll be partnering in this series with my friend and fellow photographer Amy Earle of Simply B Photos! Amy’s a remarkable photographer and the brains behind all […]

Move to Manual, photography, Random Things

February 13, 2012

Move to Manual: Finding Great Light

I have been completely overwhelmed by everyone’s response to this series! I had no clue when I started pondering the idea that it would be so well received. So many of you have emailed, Facebooked and tweeted me your appreciation (which  is quite flattering considering the series hasn’t even officially begun). I wanted to make […]

Move to Manual, photography, Random Things

February 6, 2012

Move to Manual: Composition & Perspective

I have always had a love for photography. My mom had a fancy Canon Film Rebel back in the day and I remember feeling like a kid at Christmas the days that she would give my sister and me a roll of film and tell us to go play. We’d pretend we were high fashion […]

Move to Manual, photography, Random Things

January 30, 2012

Move to Manual

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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