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Move to Manual: White Balance

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  1. […] your image quality will improve dramatically. Hope you enjoy this article To Your Success, SnowmanATS3 Photography|The White Balance Setting On Your Digital Camera…. Have you ever taken a picture …g> This is the kind of situation your digital camera’s white balance is meant to prevent. The […]

  2. Reena says:

    Great job explaining the WB. The visual on it are great. It always amazes how much adjusting WB can change the look of an image.

  3. Gerty says:

    3 months ago I had no clue on how to use my camera, let alone take nice photos. I am so grateful for photo info series like yours because they help make sense of a skill that I thought I could never do—-capture memories, not just press the shutter button and “take a picture”. Thanks for sharing what you know 🙂

  4. myabelle says:

    thanks so much for these tutorials. i have read them since the first instalment, but i havent participated in the flicker pool as i dont have much time. i hope u dont mind if i follow post my assignments but on a later time.

  5. Laura says:

    Do you shoot in RAW or JPEG? I shoot in RAW so I hardly ever worry about the white balance setting on my camera. RAW keeps all the info, so you can white balance afterwards and not get that problem you had by losing a photo because your WB setting was off on your camera. I have found that Lightroom is awesome for balancing a raw image, but Photoshop Raw is great too.

  6. molly says:

    Great post! I’m looking into my white balance more. I find I’m using cloudy a lot because I like my photos to be a bit warmer. But sometimes I still use auto and adjust in lightroom if I need to go up or down at all in color.

  7. Amy Willa says:

    Great stuff, Courtney. I can’t thank you enough for doing this series! It’s AWESOME!!!!!!

  8. good stuff courtney! thank you. and i LOVE your new profile shot of you and lil man. cuuuute.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.