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I remember being disappointed all too many times growing up. Disappointed in little things, bit things, things that just didn’t go my way. I remember being disappointed in life, being let down time and time again by people and family who were supposed to be there to support me and encourage me all the time, […]

faith, Family, Motherhood

August 24, 2011

On Disappointing our Children

Whether you’re a mom or a dad, working parent or stay-at-home parent…there are just some universal truths about parenting that everyone should know. I’ve only been at this parenting gig for right at three years now, but I’ve learned a lot. And there are just some things about motherhood and parenting in general that you […]

Family, Motherhood

August 23, 2011

Five Truths of Parenting

What? Don’t laugh. Don’t click away because you think I’ve all of a sudden come up with some sense of insane narcissism and arrogance. Because I haven’t. I’m just stating the truth. Remember, I’m all about the truth. About being REAL. About laying it all out there and not being afraid to talk about things […]

Family, Motherhood

August 19, 2011

I am the Perfect Parent

I don’t know if you guys have ever seen or heard of Lauren Nicole Gifts, but if you haven’t, you should definitely check her out. She has some of the cutest jewelry I’ve ever seen. I swear I could spend a full months paycheck on some of her goodies. Denise, the designer and shop owner […]

Family, Motherhood

August 17, 2011

Finding Motivation within the Realms of Motherhood

On of my biggest fears as a parent, is that I will totally screw up my child and sentence him to a life filled with self-doubt, insecurity and struggles with feeling like he is “enough.” You know, insecurity and self-deprecation are hereditary mentalities. While I don’t think they are passed along through any kind of […]

Family, Lifestyle, Motherhood

August 15, 2011

Putting an End to Insecurity

I’m excited to have Jessica from Freckles and Dirt here to guest post for me today! I just met Jessica a month or two ago, but already feel like we have known each other for years (especially since she addressed me as “Court” in an email this week…and only uber-cool close friends do that). She’s […]

Family, Motherhood

August 12, 2011

Did I ask for your Advice? | Guest Post by Jessica

Growing up my mom was a stay-at-home parent. She did the school parties, the extracurricular activities, the housework, the laundry, the cooking…you know. Typical “mom” stuff. She rarely complained (though I chalk that up to the fact that when we got old enough, she made my sister and I start cleaning and doing laundry). I […]

Family, Lifestyle, Motherhood

August 3, 2011

Being a Mom isn’t Enough

We’re still right at three months shy of Little Man’s third birthday. Most days I find it completely impossible to believe that he’s gone from this: To this: So soon. I think the reality that he was growing up hit me the other day on the way home from Walmart. We’d made a random trip, […]

Family, Motherhood

July 27, 2011

Baby to Boy…all too soon

Dear Noah, The title of this letter is a fun play on words. Because as of today we are less than three months away from you turning three. And you are still, in reference to age, less than three years old. Mommy’s clever isn’t she? (I’m sure the teenage you reading this will look at […]

Family, Motherhood, Random Things

July 27, 2011

Less than Three

Don’t forget that today is the last day to enter my Photography Workbook Giveaway courtesy of Amy @ Simply B Photos! This workbook is valued at $100 and is perfect for anyone who is looking to learn more about photography, or seasoned pro’s just looking for more learning material. Winners will be announced on Thursday! […]

Family, Motherhood, Random Things

July 20, 2011

On Sending my Son to Preschool, and such.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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