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  When I found out in May of 2008 that I was pregnant, I didn’t realize the magnitude of what I was getting myself into. Sure, I knew that babies and children required constant care and supervision. There would be diapers to change, formula to fix, and plenty of sleep deprivation. Those are the things that […]

Family, Lifestyle, Motherhood, Random Things

September 28, 2011

Why Kids are the Best Teachers

The laundry is overflowing onto the floor. Clean clothes stacked in a big wadded up pile wrinkling, which inevitably means they will need to be ironed. And dirty clothes spill out of the basket. There are a few stray black hairs from the dog littering the floor, which obviously means that my vacuum cleaner hasn’t made […]

faith, Family, Lifestyle, Motherhood

September 28, 2011

I’ll be a Better Mommy Tomorrow

Dear Noah, This is it baby boy. The last letter I will ever write to you… as a two year old. Because in exactly one month, you will be turning THREE. How did that happen? Didn’t you get the memo that you weren’t supposed to grow up so fast? That you needed to slow down, […]

Family, Motherhood, Random Things, Uncategorized

September 27, 2011

The Last Letter

I’d like to be overwhelmingly excited for friends and acquaintances who announce their pregnancy. Whether it’s their first or fifth, becoming a parent is a beautiful, wonderful, God-given miracle. It’s something to be celebrated and a moment to be remembered and cherished for years and years and years to come. But, during that celebration…during the excitement […]

faith, Family, infertility, Motherhood

September 21, 2011

When Joy comes Reluctantly

When I was pregnant with Little Man, one of the only gifts that I requested from anyone was a Glider Rocker. Somewhere I could sit with my new baby and relax, nurse, and collapse at the end of an exhausting day and cuddle. When we put the nursery together and were in the process of fixing everything […]

Family, Lifestyle, Motherhood, Random Things

September 21, 2011

Rockabye Baby…

It’s no secret that the husband and I are  trying to have a second child. It’s also no secret that five months in, we haven’t had much success. We’ve been spending a lot of time with friends lately who have four+ kids… And I’m starting to wonder if we could ever be a “big” family. […]

Family, Motherhood

September 20, 2011

Thoughts on having a Big Family

Who said this whole “parenting” thing was the hardest job in the world? Because they were right. I’m ready to throw in the towel these days, guys. “Three” is kicking my butt. Big Time. And we aren’t even at three yet. We’re still about six or seven weeks out. And I am tired. Tired of […]

Family, Lifestyle, Motherhood, Random Things

September 7, 2011

I Don’t Want to be a Mom Today

If I’ve learned nothing else in life, it’s that you can’t let other people and what they say bother you. It’s tough, and I still struggle with it on occasion, but for the most part I’m one of those “we all have opinions” kind of people. I may not agree with you, you may not […]

Family, Lifestyle, Motherhood, Random Things

August 31, 2011

I Yell at my Kid…Guess that makes YOU a better mom

How many of you know someone who has battled Alzheimer’s? Back in the early 2000’s (can’t remember which year specifically), my grandmother, the one I referred to dearly as “Maw” was diagnosed with the disease. It started slowly, but progressed faster and faster until eventually there was nothing left of the person that she once […]

Family, Lifestyle, Marriage, Motherhood

August 30, 2011

Should I Forget…

Dear Noah, Two months, kiddo. That’s how long it will be before you turn three years old. Two very short months. (A little less than) Eight weeks. That’s all. This month has been one of adjustments for the two of us. Mommy started working pretty much full time from home, and you are having to […]

Family, Motherhood, Random Things

August 29, 2011

A Letter for August

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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