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You’re not the friend I thought you were.  Sometimes, I feel naive and foolish for believing that friendships could span the distance. 3,000+ miles is a long way. I thought that maybe this time it would be different. We raised babies together. We cried together. We laughed (a lot) together. Your family was my family […]

Friendship, Military Life

March 9, 2020

For a Season

Broken Friendships

I have been a military wife for almost 12 years. In that 12 years, our family has lived in five states, seven different houses, been across the United States states five times, logged thousands of miles on the road and in the air, missed family funerals, missed weddings, missed birthday’s, packed, unpacked and repacked more […]

Friendship, Military Life

November 5, 2019

Treading in Shallow Waters

A few days ago, I posted something on Instagram that received a lot of really honest feedback from my followers. For those who aren’t following the government shutdown, we are right in the middle of it. We moved to California last July and with that transition came a lot of changes for our family. Changes […]

faith, Mental Health, Military Life

January 18, 2019

Three Things to Stop Saying to Someone who is Struggling

I had an entirely different post prepared for today. Had a post about how full of love and excitement my heart has been these last few weeks. And then we had a situation arise here on Kodiak that changed our day a little bit. I’m sure some of you saw the news. That there were […]

faith, Military Life

April 12, 2012

When Other Things Matter

I have a million things that I could talk about today. I could talk about the tears I shed when someone I consider to be a dear friend, though we’ve never met in person, messaged me on Twitter to let me know that she was expecting. She wanted to tell me, personally, before announcing it […]

Family, Lifestyle, Military Life, Work at Home Mom

March 15, 2012


This year we went out on a limb and gave our families a really custom and really sentimental gift. We sent gift cards, too just so they’d have something a little more “physical” to use for the holidays, but I think the highlight of their Christmas was this video we had made by our family […]

Military Life, Random Things

December 25, 2011

Sweet Home Alabama

We’ve been in debate on whether or not to send the Little Man off to PreSchool this year. I’ve talked about all of the reasons why Preschool would benefit him (and me) because of my work schedule and I’ve spilled my heart on how uncomfortable I am with the idea of someone else taking care […]

Family, Lifestyle, Military Life, Motherhood, Random Things, Uncategorized

November 6, 2011

Why We are Homeschooling

When you’re a kid, ten years seems like forever. An eternity that will never arrive. When you’re 13, you want to be 16 so that you can drive. When you’re 16 you want to be 18 so you can graduate. When you’re 18 you want to be 21 so that you can drink and be […]

Military Life, Random Things

September 7, 2011

10 Years Isn’t an Eternity

If this is your first visit, then Welcome! Make sure you subscribe to my RSS Feed while you’re here! I look forward to getting to know you! Don’t miss today’s Sweet Shot! You can find it right here! Today, I have the honor of Guest Posting over at Diary of a Devil Dog Wife for […]

Blogging, Lifestyle, Military Life

June 15, 2011

Dealing with the Success of your Spouse

When you sign on to be a military spouse, no one tells you what you can really expect. If you have any involvement with the military, you’ve probably heard it said that “The Military is the mistress…and sometimes she gets all of the attention.” For those of us living with this reality, it can be […]

Military Life

May 10, 2011

The Pride I found in the Airport

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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