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If I were your enemy, I’d seek to disintegrate your family and destroy every member of it.  I’d want to tear away at your trust and unity and turn everyone’s love inward on themselves.  I would make sure your family didn’t look anything like it’s supposed to.  Because then people would look at your Christian marriage , […]

faith, Family, fervent study, Marriage, Prayer

February 12, 2018

For Better or For Worse

I have to admit, spiritual warfare and talk about “the enemy being at work” is not something that I remember hearing a whole lot about growing up. I think it is one of those things that 99% of churches tend to gloss over, maybe mentioning in passing, but never really taking it serious. Never really teaching people how […]

Family, fervent study, Marriage

January 12, 2016

Worth It // Fervent Week Four (Part One)

I said I wasn’t going to do it. I promised myself that I wouldn’t get caught up in it. I’d ignore it. Fight the temptation to join in. Think twice before doing something that I may regret down the road. I really had good intentions of just walking away. But that’s me, see? I’m the Queen […]

faith, Family, Marriage

August 25, 2015

Casting Stones: A Christian Woman’s Perspective on the Ashley Madison Scandal

I’ve always struggled with my self-esteem. This is no secret to anyone who reads this blog. I’ve talked about it openly, admitted that I’m my own worst enemy, and have slowly come to a point where I’ve learned to love myself, accept myself, and embrace the person I was created to be. But that didn’t […]

Family, Lifestyle, Marriage

October 2, 2011

I let Megan Fox Ruin my Birthday

How many of you know someone who has battled Alzheimer’s? Back in the early 2000’s (can’t remember which year specifically), my grandmother, the one I referred to dearly as “Maw” was diagnosed with the disease. It started slowly, but progressed faster and faster until eventually there was nothing left of the person that she once […]

Family, Lifestyle, Marriage, Motherhood

August 30, 2011

Should I Forget…

Unless you were born yesterday, you know what Twilight is. The series of Vampire novels written by Stephenie Meyer that have taken this entire country by storm. Teenage girls swoon at the thought of kissing a vampire and grown women {myself included} stand outside of theatres at midnight to watch the new film release; all […]

Family, Marriage, Writing

December 13, 2010

Why women love “Twilight”

I’m really not sure why, but all of my thoughts and creative juices seem to start flowing around 9:00 pm every single night. I would love to be able to lay down and just go to sleep like semi-normal people do. But I can’t. Instead, my mind waits until I can’t hold my eyes open […]

Family, Marriage, Military Life

December 7, 2010


It’s been a while since I wrote a post about marriage. Possibly because for  the last {almost} 8 months, the depth of my marriage has been carried out through a series of phone calls throughout the day, occasional cards and letters, lots of trust & faith, and a countdown widget on my cell phone. No […]

Family, Marriage

November 9, 2010

Marital Strife & Support

{If you didn’t read the first part of mine and my husband’s love story, you can find it here!} I don’t think anyone really and truly believes that life after the “I do” is going to be a fairy tale. I think that we like to try to convince ourselves of that, but who really […]

Family, Lifestyle, Marriage

October 21, 2010

It’s a Love Story…Part Two

This was recently my Guest Post over at From Here to Eternity. A lot of my readers ventured over to read it there, but there were even more that didn’t. So, because I love you guys so much and because I love to share my story, here ya’ go! Part Two will be up for […]

Family, Lifestyle, Marriage

October 19, 2010

It’s a Love Story…Part One

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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