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 A few weeks ago I wrote a post about how hard it can be to be overly excited for your pregnant friends when you yourself are having a hard time getting pregnant. I was overwhelmed by the support I received from all of you; your comments, your encouragement, your stories of struggle. So many of […]

Blogging, faith, Family, infertility, Lifestyle, Motherhood

October 11, 2011

Pain is Pain (no matter how long you’ve endured it)

Don’t worry. You aren’t lost. You made it to the right place.I’ve spent the last five weeks drafting up a new and permanent design for my blog. After purchasing a copy of the DIY Blog Critique E-Book by Melissa @ MomComm, I sat down with a big notebook, a pen and scoured the internet for hours on […]

Blogging, Random Things, Uncategorized

October 10, 2011

Nope. You’re not Lost.

This is supposed to be my Monday Morning Coffee post, but considering that it’s not quite midnight on Sunday evening and I’m doing my writing now, I’m just going to call it what it is: A big fat random array of words and jumbled thoughts. That I’m going to save and post first thing in […]

Blogging, Random Things, Writing

September 5, 2011

On Writing & Photography

For those of us who are skipping out on #BlogHer this week, you absolutely have to check out the Summer Blog Social being hosted by Jessica @ 4 Plus an Angel and Liz @ A Belle, a bean & a Chicago Dog. They’ve written up some pretty great prompts to give us all a chance […]


August 1, 2011

Growing Your Blog Readership

When it comes to blogging, I think I’ve gotten a pretty decent grasp on things. I interact on some of the most important social media platforms out there (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Pinterest). I make sure my posts go up on these networks when they’re published and I’m make certain to expose my writing […]


July 31, 2011

#SummerBlogSocial : I need some help

If this is your first visit, you may want to Subscribe to my RSS Feed, follow me on Twitter, or catch up with me on Facebook. After yesterday’s massive blog crash and loss of all my comments, make sure that if you entered my Photography Workbook Giveaway, that you go re-enter. I’ll be extending the […]

Blogging, Random Things

July 7, 2011

When Fear becomes Reality

So, remember a couple of weeks ago when I said that I was moving Feature Friday to Saturday’s because I was missing some great posts on Fridays that were never able to “make the cut” because I kept scheduling this feature too early? Yeah. About that. My friend Annie left me a comment and suggested […]


July 3, 2011

Formerly “Feature Friday”

Today, I have the honor of being featured as the Blog Friend Features writer with Shell @ Things I Can’t Say. I don’t know if you guys know Shell or not, but she’s the genius behind the Pour Your Heart Out Meme every Wednesday. Shell is one of the most genuine bloggers I’ve met. Her […]


July 1, 2011

I’m a BFF!

If you’re new here, you might want to subscribe to my RSS Feed, follow me on Twitter, or connect via Facebook. I’m always looking to meet new people! Thanks for visiting! This week was as busy as the others for us. Husband had duty yesterday, little man and I had a play date, and (wait […]


June 25, 2011

Feature Friday (On Saturday)

How was everyone’s weekend? Did you all enjoy Father’s Day? We had a busy, busy, busy weekend and spent most of it outside (despite the cloud cover and dreariness). We grilled out Friday and Saturday night with different groups of friends, and then spent all day yesterday outside at the park and the pond with […]


June 20, 2011

Putting “Me Time” to Rest

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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