Life isn't a highlight reel and not every part of our stories are beautiful and instagram worthy. The Journey Unfiltered is my story through life after divorce raising three children all with and by God's abounding grace.
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I am going to be really, really honest here. I’ve been a mom for seven plus years now…and aside from praying for my babies during pregnancy and for myself and them during labor and delivery, praying for my children (or my husband even for that matter) was never anything that I thought much about. In truth, […]
I have to admit, spiritual warfare and talk about “the enemy being at work” is not something that I remember hearing a whole lot about growing up. I think it is one of those things that 99% of churches tend to gloss over, maybe mentioning in passing, but never really taking it serious. Never really teaching people how […]
You know those times in life when you are walking around with a to-do list, a want-to-do list, a have-to-do list and then the I-don’t-even-want-to list all mocking you on any given day? That has been me the last several months. I have started quite a few little things here on this blog that have gotten pushed aside. Between everything that […]
Now that 2016 is underway (the fourth already…really?), I’ve been finishing up my goal setting and self-evaluation from last year. I have to say I hate the term “resolution” because that sounds like a nice way of saying, “these are all the things that I say that I’m going to do just because that’s what […]
Happy New Year Friends! I have to say, I’m one of the many, many people who are in full agreement that 2015 was a terrible year. In 2015… I watched a best friend lose her precious baby girl at birth. I watched never-met-before friends lose children through the power of social media. I’ve watched marriages fall apart. […]
I really wish that I was as strong as people seem to think that I am. Truly. I’ve gotten so many comments in weeks past, with the news of our adoption and then the news pretty much immediately following that our son may have autism. Comments from people I have known for years and comments […]
I’m tired of having to defend my decisions. Or my beliefs. Or my choices. I brought two little boys into the world and my sole purpose in this life is to raise them to be strong men. Good men who love Jesus and love people. Men who make mistakes, but who own those mistakes and do what it takes […]
I’ve debated for a while now on whether to talk about this on my blog just yet. I reached out to a few friends and opened up about it, told family, entrusted those who I thought would be supportive of us no matter what. And, since my Instagram and Facebook posts have kind of come […]
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