Life isn't a highlight reel and not every part of our stories are beautiful and instagram worthy. The Journey Unfiltered is my story through life after divorce raising three children all with and by God's abounding grace.
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We’re still right at three months shy of Little Man’s third birthday. Most days I find it completely impossible to believe that he’s gone from this: To this: So soon. I think the reality that he was growing up hit me the other day on the way home from Walmart. We’d made a random trip, […]
Dear Noah, The title of this letter is a fun play on words. Because as of today we are less than three months away from you turning three. And you are still, in reference to age, less than three years old. Mommy’s clever isn’t she? (I’m sure the teenage you reading this will look at […]
How was your weekend? Ours was lazy, and rainy, and pretty all around relaxed. We stayed up late Friday and Saturday night, and slept late in the mornings. It was fabulous. Minus the fact that the little man didn’t go to sleep until 2:00 am on Friday night/Saturday morning. But it was fun, nonetheless. After […]
I didn’t even realize that I had missed a week (or was it two?) of Spotlight Saturday posts. Last weekend being my birthday, and with the launch of the new biz, I just didn’t get around to reading as many posts as I would have liked. But, not this week. I’ve found some really great […]
This week has blown by. Little Man is still sick off and on, the husband jumped on a plane and took off to Anchorage and who-knows-where-else on Wednesday night (don’t worry, it was work related), and I’ve been as busy as could be. (Not to mention, I’m still waiting to pee on that stick…holding […]
The other day I gave you a little peek at the pictures that Amy took for our family back in June. Well, today, I wanted to showcase some of my favorites from that session! [Oh! And I’m announcing the winner of Amy’s Photography Workbook Giveaway at the end of this post, so you might want to […]
Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-5:00 PM CST