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Saying Goodbye to the Boy Wizard

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  1. I am inspired after reading this to go back and re-read the whole series. You’re right, Harry and the gang were wonderful companions for a long time.

  2. […] Saying Goodbye to the Boy Wizard: my personal tribute to Harry Potter and recap of my childhood with this series. […]

  3. […] weren’t as touched and moved and distraught about the ending of the Harry Potter saga as I was. I wrote an entire post dedicated to Harry and the gang. And it received the lowest amount of page views. Ever. What’s up with that? Maybe I should have […]

  4. ps: i never thought about going through all of them one day with parker! oh man that would be FUN!! 🙂

    • Courtney K. says:

      I know, right?! I’m really excited to share these stories with Noah when he gets older. I can envision us sitting in his bed, and him asking for just ONE more chapter. 🙂

  5. i never got into the HP series, mostly just because i know i would get crazy entrenched once i did!! it sounds like it was an amazing ride though, for sure 🙂

    • Courtney K. says:

      Well, now that all of the movies have been made and the books have been written, I say grab a copy and start in on it. Then, at least, you won’t have to wait anxiously year after year for the next installment. 🙂

  6. a says:

    i just said goodbye to harry too! literally, on sunday.
    i was 8 years old when the first book was published in canada. by the following summer, the second one was out as well and i read both back to back over the course of a week(ish) long camping trip with my family. happy to hear you were a nerd in school too!
    he lives on my book shelf too, and i can’t wait to have little kiddies one day who find fascination in his stories the same way i found fascination and escape in my mom’s old torn & tattered copies of little house on the prairie.

    • Courtney K. says:

      I remember waiting anxiously for the new books to come out every year (or every few years). I’d save my allowance up to pre-order them from the bookstore and couldn’t WAIT to go get my hands on the new book the day it came out.

  7. Shell says:

    I loved HP. And the magic that he wove around children making kids who hated to read, want to read long books!

    Though P.S. you make me feel old b/c I read the first HP book when I was teaching 6th grade.

    • Courtney K. says:

      LOL You most definitely aren’t old, my friend. I’m just still a baby. 🙂 I loved that about the books. I love that they open the doors for kids who might not have read otherwise to grow to love reading.

  8. Life As Wife says:

    Love this post! Hubby and I were lucky enough to catch a late show after little man was fast asleep! it’s funny how a book/story can grow and change with you… Harry Potter used to be about standing up for yourself and doing what’s right. As I watched the last film I think I cried the hardest at little Harry in his crib…

    • Courtney K. says:

      Oh, that broke my heart! They did such a good job with that selection of scenes. Really brought out the emotion and the sense of love that Snape had for Harry because of his mother. I’m really looking forward to reliving these stories with my son one day.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.