Life isn't a highlight reel and not every part of our stories are beautiful and instagram worthy. The Journey Unfiltered is my story through life after divorce raising three children all with and by God's abounding grace.
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There are about one million tutorials out there on how to create a grab button for your blog. Some of them have extensive amounts of code, while others just plain don’t work no matter how hard you try. Here’s the short hand version: Create your Image in a Design/Photo Editing Software You can’t have someone […]
I’m convinced that anyone can learn some of the basic tools of CSS to do minor upkeep and make changes to their blog. Everything that I’ve learned so far, I’ve learned from lots of time on Google and reading code. To make it easier, I’m going to post some basic tutorials and tricks for all […]
How was everyone’s week? We’re getting ready for winter here on the island. They’re calling for snow showers and freezing temperatures tomorrow (at least, they were the last time I checked) so we’ve been spending most of our time indoors. I did get a chance to go take Little Man’s three year portraits earlier in […]
Last week I mentioned that I had a new feature in store for all of my readers. I’m calling this weekly addition to my blog Feature Friday. It’s an opportunity for me to introduce all of you to new bloggers you might not know and an opportunity for bloggers (especially new bloggers) to do some […]
Bad days, long days, sheer exhaustion… Life happens to everyone and sometimes I can’t tell whether I’m coming or going. I get overwhelmed. I get cranky. And I think to myself (more than once, I’m afraid) that I just can’t handle it anymore. Then I stop and take a look around… And I realize that […]
Growing up in a small town meant learning early on that there were two kinds of people in our little city: those who were in and those who were out. Contrary to what people try to make you believe, social stigma’s are a reality. Especially in towns and cities as small as the one I […]
I haven’t shared very many photos here lately, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not taking any. The weeks have been busy, but the husband took a couple of weeks off to study for his Advancement Service-wide Exam coming up and get ready for the Little Guy’s birthday. Which means that I’m hoping to take […]
Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-5:00 PM CST