Life isn't a highlight reel and not every part of our stories are beautiful and instagram worthy. The Journey Unfiltered is my story through life after divorce raising three children all with and by God's abounding grace.
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The last week and a half has been emotional and stressful, to say the least. Little Man’s birthday party-followed immediately by Halloween-totally took the wind out of me. I wonder during times like that how mom’s with five or six kids do it. (Seriously, you guys are my heroes.) Little Man had his three year […]
We’ve been in debate on whether or not to send the Little Man off to PreSchool this year. I’ve talked about all of the reasons why Preschool would benefit him (and me) because of my work schedule and I’ve spilled my heart on how uncomfortable I am with the idea of someone else taking care […]
How are you guys liking this new Feature Friday addition? I have to tell you, I’m loving it. I love having a “day off” every week; but more than that, I love being able to feature and spotlight some of my favorite bloggers week after week. Giving back to this fantastic blog community makes me […]
So far in my short 24 years… I Have: …Had my heart-broken …Lost every single one of my grandparents …Been without a home or a single personal possession …Known a love so big that it can’t be measured …Witnessed a miracle …Driven across the country …Hit rock bottom and wondered if I would […]
I feel like I took a short blogging/social media hiatus this past week. I barely checked in on Twitter, scheduled my posts for the end of the week, and haven’t responded to comments or (most of my) emails. And it’s been great. Little Man’s birthday was on Thursday, so we spent the better part of […]
I have some really great bloggers lined up for you guys these next few weeks. I can already tell that Feature Friday is going to be one of my absolute favorite aspects of this blog. Introducing all of my readers to new bloggers and meeting new readers through the social media chain makes me all kinds of […]
Dear Noah, Today is the day Birthday Boy! Today you are three years old. I spent a better part of this week trying my hardest to figure out where the years have gone so far. It seems like just yesterday I was in that delivery room impatiently awaiting your arrival. You have changed our lives […]
I am so excited to showcase this new design! Amy is the genius behind Simply B Photos and has been wanting to transfer over her family blog for a while. She gave me some fun ideas regarding the type of design she wanted. She wanted to go for something vintage/retro that represented her families interest. […]
Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-5:00 PM CST