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Feature Friday | Teacher & Mom

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  1. Kimberly says:

    Her confidence is amazing!

  2. Jamie says:

    This is wonderful! We WANT so much for our children and as a once upon a time teacher I’m sure I hold so many expectations for how my children do in school. AND for how the teacher perceives them in school. Such a good reminder that we must have faith that we’ve done a good job and that they can take it from here. Well, some of it!

    • Absolutely. At some point, we have to let them spread their wings. And remembering that they are only 7 (or whatever the age is) is key to letting them enjoy their childhood instead of always feeling like they have to achieve something.

  3. I love the confidence in that! Good for her.

  4. Elena – that’s beautiful. And you captured exactly the feeling so many of us have when we enter conferences. Sometimes I don’t want to be told the things I’ve been told for years. I know. I’m not one of those parents who pretends I don’t know (or actually don’t know!).

    Mothers know. And for you to get this great evidence from her own words, how wonderful is that!

    • Thank you Missy! Absolutely. I almost wish that I was a homeroom teacher again instead of a resource teacher (lots of meetings, no conferences though) so that I could fully understand what the parents on the other side of the table were feeling. I would like to believe that I was kind and sensitive, but knowing what I know now as a mom, I would have been eve more careful.

  5. […] about what she did with the assignment here, you need to head on over to the home of Courtney, at The Mommy Matters. She graciously allowed me to visit on my magic carpet today, and I hope you will join me there to […]

  6. Thank you so very much for having me here Courtney!!!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.