Life isn't a highlight reel and not every part of our stories are beautiful and instagram worthy. The Journey Unfiltered is my story through life after divorce raising three children all with and by God's abounding grace.
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I have this fear of mediocrity. Of wasting the one life that I’ve been given, standing before the Lord some day and realizing that I’ve done nothing at all to make a difference in this world. I’ve always been scared of leaving behind this place and no one realizing that I’m gone. Or missing me. […]
I’ve gotten a lot of feedback and read a lot of heartbreaking stories the last few days from ex-church members…ex “christians” (notice that I use the quotations marks when I say Christians). I use those for a distinct reason. Because, like me, many of the people commenting here and emailing me with their stories of brokenness […]
First, let me say that I am completely and totally humbled by the amount of reads, shares and comments that I received on my post about not being a “Christian” anymore…based on the churches idea of Christianity. Seriously you guys. I am so beyond grateful that so many of you felt that this post was worthy of […]
I’m just going to dive in and say it… The Supreme Court’s ruling on Friday was monumental. No matter which way you look at it, which perspective you take or from whose “side” you are on. I have friends of every sexual orientation. One of the groomsmen in our wedding was a homosexual. I remember […]
I’m going to get on my soapbox and stir the pot a little bit today. I’m pretty good at that and I really try hard to be as unbiased and non-judgmental as possible. But, hot topics and debates leave me thinking…and pondering…and itching to share my opinion. Because we are all entitled to one of […]
I’m about to confess to something. I promised myself that I would always be honest here. Any writer, no matter how ‘professional’ or what-have-you they are, should strive to maintain a constant sense of honesty and integrity. Integrity is a big deal, no matter if you’re running a business or teaching your kids. So I […]
I’m taking a Life Coaching class right now online with Liberty University. I’m less than 80 hours away from my Bachelor’s Degree (I’ve been out of High School almost 11 years now, so it’s about time). I have to say, I thought Counseling was what I enjoyed, but this Life Coaching class has rocked my […]
Reading… What on Earth Am I Here For? by Rick Warren and Move On by Vicki Courtney Playing… get ahead on work and class assignments before my mother-in-law and brother-in-law arrive next week. Watching… Criminal Minds! Josh and I have been binge watching for a little over a month now. We’re currently on Season 8…debating what to watch when we […]
You know…that thing. YOUR thing. That little (or maybe it’s big) sin that you can’t let go of. The one thing that you feel like keeps your from God and from really and truly sensing His presence in your life. Because we all have one. Every single one of us. For some it’s vanity. For some […]
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