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I ‘ve reached the point in my pregnancy where we are past the annoying “Oh, another boy…you must disappointed” and the “Wow! You still have xx numbers of weeks to go?” phase.
Instead, we’ve hit the “Are You Ready?” phase.
I know that most of the time people just ask this in a general “are you ready for the baby to be born?” kind of way, but it always leaves me thinking.
AM I ready?
That depends…
Am I ready for the sleepless nights that come with having a newborn? For the spit-up and nonstop feeding schedule? For the tantrums that I am sure my oldest will throw when his mommy can no longer give him her undivided attention because his infant newborn brother needs it more?
Am I ready for the diapers, the “sleep training” (and I use that phrase lightly because I have mixed feelings about the idea of sleep training…), and having to start completely over with potty training a second child? Am I ready for the exhaustion, the headaches and overall insanity that comes with a baby?
Not at all.
Am I ready to have my body back…to have it all to myself? Am I ready to be able to go to sleep at night and wake up not feeling like I’ve been beat with a stick? Am I ready to be awake at night because a baby needs me rather than because I have to go pee for 400th time or because my squirming little body invader won’t stop kicking?
Am I ready to start running again? To get myself back in shape? To wear clothes that don’t fit like a tent and be able to shop at my favorite stores? Am I ready to sit on the beach this spring with my husband and sip on a fruity drink and unwind? Am I ready to be able to walk up the stairs again without my hips aching?
You bet I am.
Am I ready to watch my biggest baby boy fall in love with his brother? Am I ready for that beyond intoxicating baby scent? For little squishy legs and cheeks; for tiny little clothes and sleepy milk-induced-coma smiles? Am I ready to watch my boys grow up learning from each other and depending on one another? Ready to watch my oldest transition from being an only child to the ever important roll of big brother?
Am I ready to see their bond grow…to watch them grow up and grow closer…sharing things that only brothers can share? Am I ready to watch my husband tussle around on the floor with his boys…to watch him strive to be a better man and a better father day in and day out so that these boys that we’ve been blessed with, know how to be the best THEY can be some day? Am I ready to nurture and love and support these boys from now until there are no breaths left in my body?
Without a doubt.
Being pregnant is hard. Being pregnant is somewhat of a miserable experience in the end (at least, it has been for me both times). My body aches, I’m exhausted from lack of being able to sleep, my hips hurt from carrying this tiny little miracle so low in my pelvis. My feet are swollen and my hormones are out of control.
But motherhood?
Being a mom…raising a child…
Despite how hard it is, there is nothing else I would rather do. There is no greater miracle and no greater blessing.
In terms of being physically ready for baby Jonah to arrive? We are there. Hospital bags are packed. Noah’s Big Brother gift is ready, as well as his gift to his little brother. The car seat is by the door and the baby bag is waiting to be snagged as we make our way to the hospital. My body is tired and gearing up for the big day. Noah’s beyond excited and ready to meet his brother. In fact, he asks me every day if today is the day his brother is coming.
I’m emotionally as prepared as a soon-to-be second time mom can be. I’m anxious and excited and awaiting the changes that are coming our way.
So, sweet Jonah…we are waiting on you. Whenever you decide it’s time to make your way into our little world.
Mommy, Daddy, Big Brother and a whole slew of grand parents and aunts and uncles and friends are waiting to meet you.
PS- Could you make it sooner rather than later? Mommy’s back would greatly appreciate it.
I’ll be updating the blog after Jonah is born, but if you want to keep track of the delivery of our sweet baby boy, you can follow me on Instagram for the most updated photos or on Facebook for updates. Linking this particular post up with Shell @ Things I Can’t Say for Pour Your Heart Out. Maternity photo is courtesy of Heidi Stutes Photography.
Hope it’s not too much longer for you! Hang in there!
So exciting! I hope he’s here soon!
Thank you!! Us too!
I’m not the most patient person when it comes to things like this….oh who am I kidding? I’m not patient at all. Ever. LOL