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I Was Pregnant Before I got Married

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  1. […] At 12 years old I accepted Christ. At 17 years old I lost my virginity to my high school boyfriend. At 19 years old, I contemplated suicide. At 20 years old I got pregnant out of wedlock. […]

  2. Erica says:

    This post is amazing. I, too, was pregnant before I got married and it’s obvious. He’s 7, we’ve been married for 4 years. I’m so tired of feeling embarrassed and ashamed. I even have people who have looked at me and said, “You did it the unconventional way, didn’t you?” I hate that! I did it the way God planned for me. Mason was planned to be in this world far before my wildest imagination could fathom. Was I ready at 23 to be a mom? No! Was I ready at 23 to get married just because I was pregnant? No! I did it all in God’s timing. I’m not going to be ashamed of that anymore.

  3. Jessica says:

    Great post. Like Bristol I was pregnant AND single with my first child. Talk about shame and loneliness. But it made me stronger. You develop some war-like bond with this child from feeling like all you have is each other. A relationship that you fight for. I had an “anthem” that helped build my spirits when I was low. It was Alicia Key’s “No One”. I was sing it as loud as I could to exhaust myself and get some relief. She has a long road ahead of her but it will lead to somewhere beautiful. Congratulations Bristol!

    • And we know what a ROCKSTAR mama, you are Jessica! I remember people in my family looking down their nose at me like I had done the worst thing in the world. You get through it. Josh and I moved to Florida and rocked on with our little life and our new baby. You manage, you overcome, you realize you’re stronger than you’ve ever thought you were. And Isla is a pretty AMAZING little girl, just like her mommy. You couldn’t have done a better job. 🙂 Love you girl! Miss you so much!

  4. Kim says:

    There but by the grace of God….

    I work at a Crisis Pregnancy Center and I tell women and girls every day… you may feel judged. But that’s only because your mistake is visible and theirs is not. I wasn’t pregnant when I got married not because I made better choices, but because they just didn’t happen to result in a pregnancy for me. I’d wager many women, in and out of the church, are in the same boat. “However motherhood comes to you is a blessing” Valerie Harper. Great post 🙂

    • YES! I love that. “Your mistake is visible and there’s is not.” You couldn’t have said that better! Motherhood is a blessing. Period. And the way I see it, that’s all that matters! Thank you for what you do for the girls you come in contact with! YOU are blessing lives whether you realize it or not!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.