I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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That Post I’ve Been Promising…

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  1. […] of all things, were the MRI results. Before we left Kodiak, we were under the impression that we were going to receive an MS diagnosis. Josh and I had both already prepared ourselves mentally and emotionally for it. We’d already […]

  2. Darien says:

    Hi Courtney! I was thinking of you and thought I’d pop over, and just read your post. May you (and your family) continue to find yourself in a state of grace and ease. Travel safe!


  3. Jodie says:

    <3 You are truly amazing. Thinking of you and sending lots of love and hugs

  4. {Melinda} Courtney, I am so sorry for this news. I will praying for you and your sweet little family. For God’s peace and healing. I do understand to some degree … I have been battling chronic autoimmune issues for 17 years, ones that significantly impact my quality of life. My son (14) also has cystic fibrosis. But I can tell you that God has always provided. It hasn’t always been very easy, but He’s given us what we’ve needed to get through each hurdle. I know He’ll do the same for you. <3

  5. Gayna Walker says:

    Just wanted to say…….God is so amazing and he completely shines through you. What wonderful courage you are showing for your family. I know they are so proud of you Courtney. You keep that head of yours held high and keep your faith lifted on high and you will be blessed. Prayers lifted on high for you and your sweet family. GOD IS GOOD…..ALL THE TIME!!!!!! supporting you from Abbeville Al……♥♡♥♡♥♥♡♥♡♥♡

  6. Kir says:

    Oh my friend, what life altering news.
    After the boys were born this was a concern of mine too, since I was dizzy and numb constantly, on various places of my body (those symptoms continue today).

    My prayer is that whatever the news is , that you are cared for, diagnosed properly and treated with all the wonderful medicine and therapy there is available these days for MS.

    I am thinking of and praying for you Courtney.

    • Maribeth Bedsole says:

      Courtney, I have a very dear friend who has had MS for decades, so have always researched and looked for info about it. It used to be tricky to diagnose because there are many neurological “hiccups” that have similar characteristics. Try to make it to a research hospital like Mayo or another facility with outstanding neurology department to be sure what you’re dealing with. Meanwhile, the good news is that there are many new therapies and meds available, including some exercise science, I think. Just gather all the info you cqn, and know I and many others are thinking of you and sending positive vibes and prayers your way.

  7. Laura says:

    I’m so sorry. That is life altering news! I have friends with MS, so I do know.

    I am definitely praying for you. I am so glad you’re feeling at peace.

  8. Lindsay Harris McClure says:

    Thank you for sharing. Please know we will be praying for you and trusting that God is on control! Your Faith is amazing and such a great example of how we should all remember to lean on HIM through all circumstances. Praying for His healing hands on you!

  9. Voni says:

    Sweet Courtney, I am praying for you. I am so glad you are focused on staying present with God and family. Rich’s father is coping with MS, so we have some idea what you are fighting. Let us know what we can do, and I’m not just saying that.
    Blessings, Voni

  10. Charity says:

    Hello. I do know the uncertainty of what you are dealing with. I was diagnosed with MS 22 years ago while in high school. Dizziness was my worst symptom most of the time. I went on to put myself through college, served on the mission field, got married and just before having three kids, it went into remission.

    It is scary, but know, if MS turns out to be the answer, there are so many treatments, so many options.

    Hugs and prayers.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.