I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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Life Just Works

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  1. Laura says:

    Praying for this outlook for you and myself everyday 🙂 The military provides some unique challenges but I always find that focusing on the Lord’s plan for me makes things better. AND I’m glad you’ve had some nice weather! It is amazing what I think ‘nice weather” is now after only 6 months in Washington versus South Carolina 🙂

    • Courtney says:

      I know what you mean. “nice” weather here in Kodiak is so different than “nice” weather back home in Alabama. 🙂 The military lifestyle does present an entirely different set of challenges (that go on top of the every day challenges that life itself brings) but it also has opportunities that we’d never otherwise have. I have to remind myself of this day in and day out.

  2. I love this happy post from you. 🙂

  3. Amy Willa says:

    Amen, Courtney! It’s amazing how unfailing God’s love for us is, isn’t it!? We have these conversations often, too. It helps us deal with the changes and surprises of military life 🙂

  4. Nicolette says:

    I agree sometimes life just works out in ways you least except. We often are too busy to see it but when we do it’s so refreshing.

  5. Nessa says:

    What lovely words Courtney. And as always – his big gorgeous eyes get me every time.

    I have had this same conversation with my husband… amazing how things come together. The little things that we are blessed with all the time.

  6. Gerty says:

    Wonderful things happen when we count our blessings. 🙂

  7. Laura says:

    God is SO faithful! 🙂 I love reading things like this – I love it when someone is just caught by all the blessings in their life. And capturing it in such a beautiful way is a great reminder when life feels like it is NOT going our way. God is always the same. He is always faithful, always trustworthy, will always turn things to good.

    I’m praising God with you today! 🙂 xo

    • Courtney says:

      Thank you, Laura! 🙂 I love coming back to posts like this when I’m down and feel like nothing is going my way. They serve as such great reminders that God is always on OUR side. 🙂

  8. Kimberly says:

    I love this. Life definitely has that special way of working out just right.

  9. Tammi says:

    This is a wonderful piece and a lesson I am too Learning!

  10. Kyna says:

    love this post Courtney! it made me smile!
    ♥ Kyna

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.