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52 Faces: Week 6

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  1. Thauna says:

    Courtney, I can tell by your pictures, posts, tweets, etc that you truly enjoy being a mom and you adore every minute with Noah. He is a beautiful boy and your pictures are awesome!! Your words are beautiful and bring make so many memories for me of my boy being little. (he’s 18 now) Thank you for sharing your heart and your photos. **hugs**

  2. Courtney says:

    Very sweet pics of Noah. Praying for you…. this reminds me of some of my small group’s discussion last night. We are studying the book of Philippeans at this moment and our pastor asked how we normally react when times get tough in our lives. And furthermore, how do we react when tough times get tougher? Always lean on God. Don’t give Satan a foothold. Lean, girl. Just lean.

  3. April says:

    Awh, love that last line. You know, there’s always a point in everyone’s lives where we feel both incredibly blessed and incredibly ripped off (for lack of a better term.) When everyone else’s life seems either unfairly better (i.e. everyone is getting knocked up around you) or horrendously worse (i.e. my friend just had a stillborn.) It’s perfectly okay to feel both.

  4. Lindsey says:

    Precious blog, Courtney 🙂 You’re a sweet Mama, hang in there! God has amazing things in store 🙂

  5. […] VS. laundry, Weekly Kodachrome, this or that Thursday, 52 Faces Rate this: Share this:FacebookTwitterDiggLike this:LikeOne blogger likes this post. Tags: black […]

  6. Carolyn says:

    I love these photos, especially the black and white one of his legs. There is so much story behind that one.
    Sending positive thoughts and hopes to you.

  7. Meagan says:

    These are great shots Courtney! I love the one of him on the couch with all his trains and cars – too sweet! I know it’s hard, but hang in there! I’m praying you’ll get good news very soon!

  8. Nessa says:

    This post put my heart back in the right place. I am so glad you are sharing your struggle. I didn’t tell a soul and I wished now that I had been more open about it. Praying for you.

  9. Life As Wife says:

    Thinking of you and hoping that fog rolls out of there soon!!

  10. Laura says:

    I’m praying for you too. I really hope you find some peace and grace and joy soon.

    I absolutely adore your pictures this week!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.