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24 Week Bumpdate

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  1. […] me saying that I could feel Jonah growing a few weeks ago? I was right. I gained seven pounds this last month (just a few pounds over the […]

  2. annie says:

    I’m so glad your pregnancy is going well so far and that you get to see your mom soon! I can’t believe you’ve been in Alaska almost two years. It doesn’t seem like it’s been that long! Wow!

  3. Meagan says:

    Yay! It’ll go so fast now that you know you’re having a boy. You look so cute! 🙂

  4. Great update! Don’t worry, I think we all start out a little higher on the scale with following pregnancies, and the nice thing is that you may gain less *total* for the duration b/c of it!
    It all balances out I guess. 😉 All that matters is healthy mom & healthy baby. Take time to pamper yourself and enjoy all the milestones because it goes way too fast after baby arrives, doesn’t it?!

    • Courtney says:

      That’s good to know. I’ve had friends who only gained 15-20 pounds with their second/third pregnancies and it all evened out well. As long as baby is healthy that’s all I’m worried with…for now. Now, after the baby is born and I get the clear from my doc? I’ll be all about knocking off the pounds.

  5. Elena says:

    Great bump date! Sounds like you are doing well and it’s getting close; how exciting! I was addicted to chewing ice when I was pregnant; it was the weirdest thing. I couldn’t get enough of it :o)

    • Courtney says:

      I did that with Noah, too. I actually found out that my obsessive ice chewing was because of an iron deficiency. Who knew?! I couldn’t get enough Sonic Drinks JUST because of their ice.

  6. Awe you look so fantastic!!! Love the shot of Noah with his baby brother bump 😉 Too cute! I can’t believe your Mom will be here so soon!!! Noah is going to have a blast!!

  7. Valerie says:

    I love cinnamon toast crunch cereal, & i’m okay with the off-brand if it’s from the Commissary because everything seems so much cheaper there. [i just realized, my husband’s last drill was this weekend so no more commissary for us]

  8. Alison says:

    Yay for 24 weeks! It’s always a sigh of relief when you hit certain milestones with pregnancy. And cute baby bump!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.