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I feel like I’m a bit of a mommy failure these days when it comes to talking about my favorite biggest boy. Adjusting to knowing that there is one baby in my tummy and one big baby running around has been tough on me. Part of me wonders (still) how I could ever love another […]

Family, Motherhood

June 30, 2012

Let’s talk about Noah

How far along: 18 weeks and 3 days How big is the baby: Head to rump, your baby is about 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper) and he weighs almost 7 ounces. He’s busy flexing his arms and legs — movements that you’ll start noticing more and more in the […]


June 27, 2012

18 Week Bumpdate

I’ve been pondering on how to do our  big gender reveal for several weeks. We’re having a party here at our house for some of our closest friends once we find out what little bean is. But, I wanted to do something fun on my blog, too. I liked Ashley’s idea of comparing her pregnancy […]

Random Things, Uncategorized

June 20, 2012

Gender Reveal Giveaway!

How far along: 17 weeks and 1 day How big is the baby: Your baby’s skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and she’s around 5 inches long […]

Random Things, Uncategorized

June 19, 2012

17 week Bumpdate

It’s no secret that the most common question asked to soon-to-be mom’s is: Are you guys hoping for a girl or a boy? Since we already have a little boy, I typically get asked if we’re hoping it’s a girl. Or either people assume that we would only want a girl. I’ll be honest… I won’t […]

Family, Lifestyle, Motherhood, Random Things

June 11, 2012

Thoughts on the Baby’s Gender

How far along: 15 weeks and 4 days How big is the baby: Your growing baby now measures about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces (about the size of an apple). She’s busy moving amniotic fluid through her nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive […]


June 7, 2012

15 week Bumpdate

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking this weekend. About my family. About our life here in Alaska. About my business. But mostly about my blog and my writing and what I want to do with it. Where I want to take it. When I first started this blog back in August of 2008, I was […]

Blogging, Writing

June 3, 2012

Where Blogging fits into the Future

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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